why do i always see cops in hayden? this is the third freaking time. first time was when there was a sex offender trying to look nonchalant, second time they released me from the clutches of the not so carpe noctum-ness of a saturday night, and now, they just kicked out a transient twenty feet from me (he was maybe my age, and apparently a "retired
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ah, sweet mooched intarnets. i was afraid that i would have to get a tmobile account or live at school, but no. one of the neighbors was so kind as to set up an unsecured wireless network. i love the world.
So first there was the Los Angeles incident, and then today I nearly got run over by a cement mixer while listening to Fight Songs. No joke. Stopped on Rural on the bridge just off the 202. Cement mixer hauling ass directly at mine. He swerves and slams on the brakes. I watch an entire cement mixer pass by my car in my little side mirror. He missed
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after over 24 hours in transit, almost a month away, and a whole bunch of shitty, shitty food, it is good to be home. the trip was amazing, but there is no bed like my bed, and that is where i will be sleeping tonight. excellent
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An 18-year-old San Diego woman was arrested Friday night near the intersection of Howe and Wilson streets and charged with prostitution. "[She] entered into a verbal agreement ... to exchange $80 cash for a 'blow job,'" police reported.