One word...

Feb 04, 2009 15:44

I have no idea how to do the spiffy link like Swifty, so, I shall just do this.
One word thing I mooched from her:

1. Your cell phone? Scratched

2. Your significant other? Absent

3. Your hair? Choppy

4. Your mother? Awesome

5. Your father? Confusing

6. Your favorite? Mother (Was that the question? Bleh whatever.)

7. Your dream last night? Weird

8. Your favorite drink? Water

9. Your dream/goal? Happiness

10. What room you are in? Family

11. Your hobby? Art

12. Your fear? Loneliness

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Content

14. Where were you last night? School

15. Something that you aren't? Healthy

16. Muffins? Costco

17. Wish list item? Confidence

18. Where you grew up? Home

19. Last thing you did? Vacuum

20. What are you wearing? Clothes

21. Your TV? Sucks

22. Your pets? Funny

23. Friends? Special...(and I didn't mean "special" :P)

24. Your life? Unexplainable

25. Your mood? Bleh

26. Missing someone? Always.

27. Car? Pimped.

28. Something you're not wearing? Socks...scandalous!

29. Your favorite store? ON

30. Your favorite color? Blue

33. When is the last time you laughed? Morning.

34. Last time you cried? Dunno

35. Who will resend this? None

36. One place that I go to over and over? Forums
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