Nov 14, 2008 14:00
I posted this on another boards but I thought I'd post my amazing, fan girly night from a couple saturdays ago...
So my mom and I arrived in San Francisco right around 4, with a long trip full of accidents on the road and a wholllleee lot of rain. We've never been to the Warfield before, so we were depending on MapQuest to guide the way. Well that worked until SF, where it led us the wrong way! Anyways, after many twists and turns we finally drove past the back of the Warfield, and they had the back doors open so we could see musicians playing inside. I'm guessing it was Matt Nathanson's band warming up, but it was still enough to get excited. We luckily found a parking spot next to the warfield that was empty. Since we had a lot of time we decided to walk around a bit. I was smart enough (har har) to wear flip flops in the rain, and after about a block I managed to completely wipe out. One great thing about Market Street is that there are a lot of stores, so within about ten minutes I had a nice new pair of shoes.
After a little more walking we headed back to the Warfield. By then there were three people waiting in front of the building. Two were there following Matt Nathanson on the road, and one was a father holding a place in line for his wife and daughters. A few minutes later Wren and her daughter, and Kris and her husband appeared. These two ladies are fantastic, and I'm so happy I got to hang out with you guys.
I'll fast forward through the wait in line, but the basic idea is that security wouldn't let stay in the front of the building anymore, and said that the line started out by this the pouring rain. We had such a great group there, and for awhile we were taking turns standing out in the rain and the others would be under the overhang next door...which just happened to be a gentleman's club
Sooo, after what seemed like eternity in the rain, wind, and facing the likes of people asking us if we had any fried chicken, they let us in. Did I mention somehow we ended up at the very front of the line? Kris, Wren and HAULED through the lobby and into the venue, and we ended up right at the front of the stage! We were all so excited, and within the first few minutes, Ryan walked out! He seemed a bit startled that we all knew who he was.
So, after another hour of waiting, and looking at the sides of the stage going "There's someone moving back there! Who's that?" Matt, Ryan and Rob (not RT, bass player Rob) come out. Then, there's Paul. I can't even begin to explain how excited I was. After being right in front of Paul at San Jose and listening to the Break and Repair cd for weeks straight, I've been hooked. Just the passion that man puts into his music...
As Paul sits down behind his piano, we all look at eachother and realize the major flaw in our wonderful place: We can't actually SEE Paul. When I post the pictures you'll see what I'm talking's a whole lot of paino, with a little bit of forehead, and his legs.
He was so funny though, interacting with the crowd and everybody was laughing. Wren's adorable daughter was holding a sign up and Paul saw it, saying something along the lines of, "Hey! It's my first show and I already have a sign!"
The band opened up with Won't Get Worse and from what I can remember the setlist also included:
Now We Become Part of It
The Most Somebody Can Know
~The guys also played a song that wasn't on the album, I have no idea what the name was but it had an almost Carnival sound to it. Not quite sure how to describe it but it was a good song.
This City is Bound To Do Us In
You Won't Be Able
I may be missing something else, but that was the most of it. The guys rocked it, and even with a couple bumps here and there it was awesome. On the way out Matt gave me a big smile and tossed me his guitar pick. I couldn't stop smiling.
I was somewhat suprised when everyone came back out, but as Wren had told me earlier, the guys have to clean up their own stuff. As Paul was dealing with the piano Wren asked him if he was going out the front, and he promised he would.
So, after we watched the guys load up their stuff, we grabbed all of our own stuff and left the main area. As we passed people were going, "You're leaving for Matt Nathanson?" and my main thought was, 'If Paul's outside? Heck yes!!!" so we all headed out to the lobby. At the area where you could get concert gear they offered the cd as well as two different types of t shirts. You can see one of them worn by Wren's daughter, and the other one is a white tee that says The Break and Repair Method in a script with two people dancing.
We waited patiently (Lol, right) and after a bit I hear " There he is!", and sure enough, there's Paul a few feet away. I don't quite remember why but I stayed back when Kris and Wren went to go talk to him. Nerves? No idea. Either way I didn't mind, because soon enough I turn to left and there's Ryan. I turn to my right and there's Matt. Holy Crap.
First things first I turn to Matt and thank him for the guitar pic. I must say, Matt is sooo nice. Got to have a long conversation with him discussing the band, Matchbox stuff, the fact we were all left handed. It was such a blast.
Ryan was just as nice with him I rambled a bit, including mentioning something about how the shirt I was wearing had sequins on it and when we were watching them preform the lights were reflecting off of it. Something like my chest was shining everywhere Meanwhile I was watching Paul talk to Wren's daughter, which was the cutest thing. She was totally everybody's favorite last night Sometime during the time I was talking to Matt and Ryan, Paul turned around and looked at me, and I just waved and went back to talking to them
After that things were a bit of a blur. I remember talking to Wren's daughter about Paul's autograph on her tshirt, which is so cute and says "Scarletts Shoulder" with an arrow pointing to her shoulder. And then, the ultimate moment of the night. I'm probably making this sound all movie-ish but that's how my mind registered it
I was standing there, Paul turns around and finally, I get to meet this amazing person. I'm pretty sure the first thing I did was loudly go "HI!" and throw out my hand He was just so nice and kind, and he chatted with my mom and listened to me completely ramble about the shows I've seen him at, and how honored I was to meet him, and how I couldn't see him over the piano...and i don't know what else. He signed both of the pics of him I brought as well as our cd and was just so amazing about it.
We ended up chatting with Matt for a little while longer and then it was time to go. Everybody came back over and said bye and I managed to stop Rob before he left to sign our album and get a picture. I know I've used the word nice about a zillion times and it can sound so generic but he was! I apologized for delaying him and he told me I shouldn't say sorry.
After they left we all decided it was time to go. It had been a long day and as much as I like Matt Nathanson, I've seen him twice before and have met him, plus I could hear some of his soundcheck from outside so I was content.
It was so cool as we walked out of the venue and headed to our car. Ahead of was Paul, and it was so cool just to see him walk off into the city.
All in all, it was such an amazing night, and one I won't soon forget. If you get the opportunity to see the Break and Repair Method, you definitely should go.
Paul, Matt, Ryan and Rob, thank you for being so kind and gracious to all of us. Travel safe and I hope this tour is amazing for you.