Confessions of an LJ Traitor

Nov 13, 2006 16:20

I have not updated this in the longest time because...I'm ashamed to say it...I've moved to Xanga. Yes, I have officially betrayed Live Journal. Here's a link to MY SITE if you want to see what has been going on lately.

I think I'm still going to try to update this every once in awhile, though. Here's some recent news: I bought my ticket to India this weekend!! Yes, that is right, I am going to be studying abroad in India next semester, in Hyderabad, which is in Andra Pradesh, which is Southern India, and if you don't know India, a rough description is a little south east of Mumbai (Bombay). I am super-excited AND really nervous....five months overseas, the longest I'll ever have been away from home. And I won't be home for Christmas, because I have to fly out the 23rd of December. My last final is the morning of the 20th, which means I get three days at home before I leave for five months. Which stinks, but there's not much I can do about it, my program wants me in Delhi (where my orientation is) by the 26th and of course flights out around Christmas Eve and Christmas are all booked. So I'm flying from here to London, where I have an 11 hour layover (if I feel brave enough I'll venture out into the city a bit) and then another flight from London to Delhi, about 20 some odd hours in the air, total. I hope I don't go stir crazy!!! If you want to come to India, feel free to visit me!!!!

Sarah, I got your card, it made me very happy. : ) I sent you a card back last week (or maybe it was the week before) so check your mailbox to see if you got it!!

I think there's other news (in fact, I'm sure there was other news) but I seem to have forgotten it. I'll update later, if I can.
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