New York City is Beautiful

Aug 26, 2006 20:04

"It is beautiful." That's what Bora, a volunteer with NCLO (the orphanage org. I worked for in Cambodia) told me when I gave him a picture of Manhattan. But today I think I truly saw New York with new eyes.

Today is my last day home, and also Sarah's first, since she came back from her summer semester at Cal Tech yesterday night. (despite the glories of NY, sometimes I still long for the west coast...). So, to celebrate, Ab, Sarah, and I, all went into Manhattan to see one of my friends from CU (Sarah Keyes) perform in an off-off Broadway production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe!

On the way in on the shuttle to Times Square, I saw for the first time how diverse NYC is: to my left, a family speaking Spanish, to my right, eubonics, in front of me, Russians, down the car, Italians. And then in walked an amazing flute player who serenaded us all the way! And actually he was so good he softened even the hardened hearts of New Yorkers, and we all happily applauded his performance and showered him with change : ) It was amazing. That's the nicest I've ever seen a subway car filled with New Yorkers ever treat a street performer!

And then the play was great, and all of the actors were excellent, and Sarah Keyes made and awesome Susan. After the play Sarah, Ab and I were hungry, so we spotted a pizzeria, and bought pizza. I had forgotten how GOOD New York pizza is!!!!! The crust....and the sauce...mmmmmmmmmm. There's nothing to top it. Yes it was $3...I paused at the price remembering how our feast for our host family in Cambodia was only $7. But I've decided to think of it as my own "farewell" dinner, since it's back to school and work tomorrow.

Finally, on the train ride home, the cutest 15 mo old boy was in the seat in front of us. He kept smiling at me over his mom's shoulder, and ended up passing a packet of chocolate cookies to me through the seat. It was adorable. We passed it back and forth for awhile, until he offered me his orange juice bottle (even better!) which I pretended to drink, and I must have been good at it (maybe I should go into acting) because he cracked up. Amazing. His mom must have been exasperated at that point though, because she took all his stuff away. So resourceful child that he was, having been divested of all edible goods, the next thing I know he's taken off his shoe and it's hurtling over the seat at me! Haha I loved it....and his mom finally laughed along with me. We had a nice conversation . And, if you look at what he gave me: chocolate, juice, shoes--he's going to do just fine when he grows up because he already knows what women like. just kidding.

Okay so that's the end of my beautiful day in New York. God is amazing, life is good....I still miss Cambodia, but I'm excited for what the semester will bring!
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