"Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" in the comments and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you."
My words were:
I have them. Many of them, really. Nine at the moment - six little ones and three big ones.
Cats pretty much represent me. Their tempers - go their own way, do their own thing - is very much me. Cats are cuddly but only when they want to be, and they can take care of themselves.
I decided to get a cat a little less than three years ago. I've never had any animals at all, because my brother and dad are both allergic, but I liked the idea. My friend's cat had kittens a few years back and that's the first time I started thinking about it, but I didn't buy one of them at the time because I didn't feel my economic situation was stable enough. But three years ago, I decided that it was. I saw these really cute kittens on Blocket (Swedish site to sell stuff) and I found the cat-help organization Kattkommando Syd. I got my first cat, but they failed to tell me that it wasn't actually tame... so six weeks later (after getting bitten twice), I gave it back. At the same time, I told them that I wanted to house a cat with kittens. I got one the same afternoon...
Mathilda had six kittens ten days after moving in. Two of them were Tara and Angel, whom I kept. Since then, I've had about twenty-five other cats, most of them kittens. Tara and Angel remain my loves - they're perfect. Tara is my little cuddly bear; she's not always aware that she's a cat, because I can do pretty much whatever I want with her *g* Angel is a definite cat - she only does anything when she wants to.
Is something I've been interested in since pretty much forever. When I was younger, I watched soaps on TV and every time someone got diagnosed with an illness (it happened fairly frequently), I went to the library - later online - and found every bit of information I could find about it. In school, whenever we were allowed to write about whatever we wanted, I picked some illness.
Now, I'm planning on going to med school. Why not until now, after I've gotten a masters degree in law? Because I never felt smart enough. I was always convinced that I wasn't nearly intelligent enough to be able to study medicine. After getting through law school, I decided I wasn't stupid. When my friend asked me what I'd do if I could do anything, I said, "Go to med school." He said, "So why don't you?" I said, "0_0" *g* So now the plan is to get into med school starting fall 2010.
What I write. It's not the only thing I write, but most of the things I am a fan of has such chemistry between their male characters - much moreso than the male/female chemistry. So, it's what I write. I started out in Harry Potter (Harry/Draco), and I wrote two long stories in that fandom that still to this day (years after they're finished) get reviews :)
Slash for me isn't because I like reading or writing gay sex. Really, I avoid sex in stories - PWPs aren't for me. I like plot, I like chemistry, I like characters getting to know each other, getting over difficulties, becoming friends... I've written one sex scene, and that was for The Depths of Winter, because it was important for the plot. Slash is usually more difficult to write than the traditional male/female pairings, because there are more problems for the characters to overcome. That makes it a challenge for me as a writer, which equals more fun.
I love art - some of it, anyway. I love realism in art; it can't just be colors swirling together or whatever. Some of the stuff out there looks like a three-year-old has drawn it and I just don't see that as art.
My favorite gallery in the whole world is
Gallery Artica in London. They have pretty much nailed the type of art I love.
For me, art is also freedom and a flight of fantasy. It's pretty much the same thing as writing, except I can do it while listening to other stuff. Anyone who's ever been in class with me (which
shriker_tam has ^^) knows that I draw all the time while in class. I admit I let my mind wander into my drawings sometimes (because I pretty much always have a story for the drawings I make), but it's usually only when I'm bored with whatever the class is about. I rarely take the time to draw when I'm not in class, unfortunately. Instead, I do Photoshop stuff, some of which qualifies as art, I think ^^
Can I say that this is a favorite color of mine without coming off like a dumb blonde Barbie? *g* I love pink. It's such a happy color. And to be honest, I like to play dumb blonde sometimes. It's just fun. Although people are usually disillusioned of this as soon as I open my mouth... Anyway. When I re-designed my logo for
Cosmic Creativ Consulting, my company, a few years back, I chose pink. Before, it was blue/green and that was just so... dull. The new logo was much more me. So yeah, I love pink.