And another set of pictures of my kittens - this time including me in the pictures, because they were using me as a plaything and I took some photos ^^
They're now approaching seven weeks old. I got a new kitten, Delta, last week, and she's become part of the group, though Mommy Adelle doesn't want anything to do with her. She's about a week older than the other kittens we think, judging by her size. She's very, very sweet :)
(previous posts:
here and
New baby Delta
All of Adelle's kittens
November is on top of things
Feeding time
Whiskey and November
Echo and Whiskey play
Pretty mommy
Squished together - November, Alpha and Echo
Me and Sierra
Thumbs are apparently good
Delta with a black-n-white tummy!
More Delta cuteness
In the end, they all collapsed, of course ^^
Cuties :)
Playing ('cause that's what life consists of)
Whiskey's time to be on top
Alpha and Whiskey
What, who, me?
More Echo :)
Food bar on the balcony
Cute Delta playing
Many more here Aaaand (sorry, I'm being annoying): I'm participating in a photo contest. It's in Swedish, but all you have to do is click the "5" and enter your email. Then you get an email from Agria (the company that has the contest) and you have to click the link in the email to register the vote :)
Contest here