Jun 20, 2014 17:12

Pairing: akame
Genre: AU, Angst
Rating: R
Warning: girl!Kame, English is not our native language.
Beta: babanashi
Disclaimer: it's a pure fiction.
Summary: Having been through a very bad incident in her past turns her into a mentally shaken woman. No one knows how she ended up like that. No one can’t find out what has happened to her because she is unable to communicate. Her life is a dead-end without a way to turn back, she is stuck inside a ward. Until one day, a man named Akanishi Jin passed the ward she’s been living in. Keeping a questionable past as well, the man decides to help her. Will he be her way out from the dead-end?

After the suicide trial, Kazuya was unconscious for several days. When she finally woke up, her mental condition was decreasing. She didn’t speak, she didn’t react, she became unresponsive. Her stare was blank and sometimes she started crying out of a sudden. Jin was sitting beside Kazuya’s bed while holding her hand just like the days before. They stayed in silence because it seemed that Kazuya didn’t notice Jin’s presence.

When Jin had reached his limit and couldn’t stand the silence between them anymore,  he finally tried to strike a conversation with Kazuya. “Kazuya, what happened to you? Why did you want to kill your self? What did you do that for? Why did you want to leave me?” Jin desperately wanted to know the reason.

However, Kazuya started crying instead of answering him.

“I love you very much. No matter what happen to you, I will never leave you.” Jin continued. “That is why, don’t leave me too.” He was almost pleading.

Kazuya still didn’t answer but her cry had stopped.

“We’re going home, alright?” Jin asked. “We’ll leave Tokyo and everything related to it behind, start from the scratch and living a peaceful life in our home. Okay?” Jin said in gentle voice. He was trying hard to hide his worry about what Kazuya might answer him.

Kazuya didn’t raise her face to see Jin but she nodded.

Jin could feel tension started leaving him after getting her response. He kissed Kazuya’s forehead and promised to himself that no matter what, he would bring Kazuya out of this hospital as soon as possible.


It’s been a few weeks since the day Jin and Kazuya left Tokyo. They are now back to their house, their cafe.

Kazuya is sitting in silence in the cafe while Jin wiping glasses. Kazuya’s condition hasn’t changed that much, she still often space out and crying. At night, she can’t sleep tightly. She always woken up by a nightmare and then she will start crying. But Jin never leave her side. He’s always ready to comfort her when she’s awoken in the middle of the night. It’s quite tiring for Jin because he also has to think about the cafe, but he won’t give up.

“Good morning~” Koki greets as he closes the door.

“Good morning.” Jin responds before going back to his task.

But Kazuya doesn’t reply Koki’s greeting. Jin has told him about Kazuya’s condition so he doesn’t feel offended when Kazuya doesn’t reply. Instead, Koki walks closer to Kazuya. He is intending to cheer her up but Kazuya already stand up from her seat and runs away to the second floor before he opens his mouth again to tell what he is going to say,. Leaving him gaping in his position.

“What the...?” Koki sends a glance to Jin who only shrugs at him.

Truth be told, Koki wants to get really angry. Yet, he doesn’t know whom he should vent his anger to. Jin? It’s not even Jin’s fault. He also can’t blame Kazuya for this. In the end,  Koki can only heave a deep sigh, trying to calm himself down and walking towards Jin.

“Sorry about that.” Jin apologizes on Kazuya’s behalf.

“Nah, it’s okay.” Koki sits in the stool in front of Jin. “So.. how’s everything?”

“Well.. You have seen it yourself. Kazuya still doesn’t want to talk, she only spacing out and cry.” Jin explains, putting the last glass he has wiped on the rack.

Koki nodded. “Then what about her case? Any progress from the police?”

“It’s a dead-end. Kazuya can’t be interviewed.” Jin states as a matter of factly.

Koki hums. “Have you brought her to the psychiatrist?”

“I have.. I have brought her to the psychiatrist in Tokyo and in here. But Kazuya gives no reaction up until now.”

Jin remembers that the psychiatrist in Tokyo has warned him that Kazuya’s mental condition is so unstable. She has to be treated at the mental hospital. However, Jin doesn’t want to send her to that horrible place, he wants to treat Kazuya by himself.

“How about taking her for a walk?” Koki’s suggestion drags him back to reality.

“Yeah.. I will do that this evening.” Jin aggree. Taking Kazuya outside for a walk maybe can refresh her mind a bit.

“Be careful, I saw from the forecast that typhoon is coming tonight.” Koki tells him.

“Okay. Thanks, man.” Jin says.

“No problem. Good luck, okay?” Koki pats his shoulder before hopping off from the stool and begin to help Jin opening the cafe.

In the evening, Jin wants to take Kazuya to the beach near the hospital. The place where Jin gives Kazuya a nickname ‘Kame’ after he saw her observing a turtle. But when he asks Kazuya if she wants to get out, all she does is sulking and snuggling in her bed.

Jin can only sigh at Kazuya’s behaviour, it’s difficult to persuade her so he just let her be. “Alright, if you don’t want to go out, I’m going downstair, okay?”

Then he pats Kazuya’s head. “I’ll continue tidying up so that tomorrow our cafe can be opened again.” Jin says before kissing her temple. and walking to downstair to continue cleaning up the cafe.

3 hours later, just like what Koki has warned, it starts raining and the wind is so strong. The typhoon is coming faster than the prediction. Lucky for Jin and Kazuya that they don’t go to the beach.

Not long after that, it’s raining heavily outside. Plus the wind is getting stronger. It becomes scarier because there’s a huge thunder and suddenly the electricity goes off.

“This is so scary..” Jin mutters to himself as he moves to find a candle.

After he finds the candle, he lights it up. His mind then goes straight to Kazuya, she must be scared. So he decides to continue cleaning up tomorrow and taking the candle on the table. But when he turns around, he is so shocked to see Kazuya standing behind him. He definitely doesn’t expect Kazuya to be here.

“Kazuya, what are you doing here?” He asks as he tries to breathe calmly. “You must be scared. I’m sorry. I’m just about to go upstair.”

Yet, Kazuya doesn’t say nor doing anything. She is just standing there in silence, staring at nothing in particular with an empty eyes.

Looking at Kazuya gives him a chills. The situation adds more horror and Jin thinks that Kazuya is looking like a ghost, empty eyes and all. But she is still Kazuya so Jin ignore the dread he’s feeling at that moment.

“Kazuya, let’s go upstair.” Jin invites Kazuya who stays still, doesn’t move even an inch.

“Kazuya?” Jin walks closer to her.

Then Jin notices something’s shining when he moves the candle. And when he looks at Kazuya more carefully, he realizes that she is holding a knife.

Trying to contain himself, he speaks carefully, “Kazuya, what are you doing? It’s dangerous.”

Kazuya stays quiet. But then she holds up the knife and pointing it at Jin. Jin swallowed and steps back slowly. “Kazuya...”

When Jin steps back, Kazuya moves closer to him. Jin starts to become really panic when he sees the knife being pointed at him and it clears that Kazuya is trying to stab him with that knife.

“Kazuya! Wake up!! Kazuyaa!!” Jin tries to stop her but instead of stopping, she is moving even closer to him.


Someone is unlocking the door. It’s Koki. He is actually looking for food but due to the typhoon, all stores are closed. Thus, he decides to visit Jin and Kazuya. He doesn’t bother to knock because he has the spare key.

“Shit, the typhoon outside is already so awful and now we have to deal with blackout too.” Koki curses when he notices the dark room as he closes the door. “Jin?” He says loudly, hoping that Jin hasn’t gone to bed and still cleaning up in the kitchen or something.

But no one answers so Koki comes in after he locks back the door and takes off his shoes. Then he sees a silhouette beside the table.

“Jin?” He walks closer.

“Kazuya?” He calls her name as he keeps walking closer.

Instead of getting a response, what Koki sees is beyond what he imagines could ever happen. There he sees Jin lying on the floor, eyes closed with Kazuya sitting beside him. Koki also notices that Kazuya has Jin’s head on her lap. She’s stroking Jin’s hair, with the limited light from the candle, Koki can see that Kazuya’s eyes are empty. But her cheeks are wet from the tears.

Koki’s gaze then landing on the floor near Kazuya and Jin. His eyes widened in shocked because the floor is covered by blood. Then what freaks him out more is the fact that Jin’s shirt is also covered by blood and not too far from both of Kazuya and Jin, there is a blood covered knife lying on the floor.


Jin is awake in the hospital. He wants to move but his body doesn’t cooperate, he feels so weak. Then he tries to get up but someone is holding him back, preventing him from getting up. When he turns his head to see who that person is, it’s a nurse. The nurse tells him to not moving too much because his wound still hasn’t fully recovered. Jin complies, he lie back on his bed.

“Am I at the hospital?” Jin asks.

“Yes, you have been unconscious for 2 days and losing too much blood. You are lucky we can save you.” The nurses answers, giving him a friendly smile before checking the infusion, the monitor, etc and jotting down something to her notes.

Slowly, Jin tries to remember how he ends up in the hospital. The last thing he remembers is he was at home, cleaning up the cafe. He planned to take Kazuya to the beach but couldn’t do that because of the typhoon. And then, he suddenly remembers something.

“Kazuya!!” Jin shouts as he makes effort to get up and get off the bed. But again, the nurse stops him.

“You should take a rest!” The nurse reprimands him.

“No! I must meet Kazuya.” Jin persist.

“If you insist, I will inject you with sedative.” The nurse warns him.

Jin doesn’t want to be given a sedative so he obeys the nurse’s warning. He lie back on the bed. The nurse then opening his shirt to check his wound whether it starts bleeding again or not.

When the nurse is done checking the wound, Jin asks her. “Where is Kazuya?”

“She is in this hospital too.” The nurse answers, writing down something on her notes again.

“How is she? Is she sick too? What happened to Kazuya?” Jin throws one question after another.

“She’s fine. We only need to monitor her.” The nurse speaks in reassuring tone. “For now, it will be better for you to stop thinking about other people. Your own health is your main priority, you must get better first. Don’t move too much unless you want the wound to start bleeding again.” The nurse lectures him, fixing his clothes and then tells him to sleep.

After a checking a few things more, the nurse walks out of the room. Leaving Jin who closes his eyes and trying to chase his sleep but fail because everytime he closes his eyes, he starts thinking about Kazuya.


Few hours has passed and Jin still isn’t able to sleep. So when someone is opening the door, he turns his head to see Koki coming in.

“Hey, are you awake already??” Koki looks quite surprised to see Jin looking at him.

“Yeah.. But the nurse is so noisy. She told me to not moving my body too much.” Jin answers as Koki sits on the chair beside his bed.

“You shocked me, you know.” Koki scolds him. “That was so terrifying.”

“Tell me what happened.” Jin demands.

So, Koki begins the story. “I came to your house to ask for something to eat. But what I saw there wasn’t food or anything, I saw you lying on the floor covered by blood. I thought you were dead!” Koki tells him.

Jin listens to his story intently. “I called the ambulance immediately. Good thing it didn’t take them too long to come. They took you and Kazuya because she was covered by blood too. They worried that if something happened to Kazuya too.” Koki continues.

“But it turns out...” Koki doesn’t finish his sentence. A tense silence followed after that.

“Did she do it to you? I mean.. Did she stab you with the knife?” Koki asks carefully.

“No!” Jin’s answer comes too fast.

“The police found her fingerprints on that knife.” Koki informs him.

“I said, no! She didn’t stab me! That was an accident.” Jin doesn’t want to hear that. Kazuya didn’t stab him.

“But Jin..” Koki tries to tell something more but it’s cut by Jin’s outburst.

“Where is she?!! I want to meet her!” Jin moves to sit on his bed. Ignoring the nurse warning earlier for him to stop moving too much.

“Jin.. calm down.” Koki tries to prevent him from getting up from his bed. “You’re still weak.”

“I need to talk with her.” Jin persist. “I have to clear this misunderstanding.”

“I.. I don’t think you can meet her.” Koki finally says.

“What? Is it because of the police?” Jin frowns when he hears that. “Fuck the police.”

Koki sighs. “No, it’s not about the police. It’s about Kazuya’s self, Jin.”

Jin is quiet for a few seconds before asking, “What’s wrong with Kazuya?”

Koki groans, he looks frustrated and confused at the same time. “I don’t know how to explain it.” That’s all what he manages to give as an answer to Jin.

“Then help me to meet her.” Jin request calmly.

Koki heaves a deep sigh. “I’ll try.” He says before leaving the room.

It only takes Koki a few minutes before he comes back again to the room, bringing the nurse with him.

“You and your friend are just the same, so persistent.” The nurse says, pushing a wheelchair towards Jin’s bed.

“Don’t whine to me if your wound starts bleeding again.” The nurse warns him and stops pushing the wheelchair beside Jin’s bed.

The nurse and Koki help Jin to sit on the wheelchair. It proves to be a quite difficult task for Jin because of his wound. He winces a few times but trying to hide his discomfort because he doubt that the nurse will let him go if she finds out.

“Thank you.” Jin says when he finally sits on the wheelchair.

The nurse says that she is going to clean up Jin’s bed so she let Koki to push Jin and reminding both of them to be careful because Jin is still weak.

“Alright. I understand.” Then Koki pushes Jin’s wheelchair outside the room.

On their way to Kazuya’s room, they pass her old room. Jin thinks that Kazuya is admitted to that room again but it turns out that he’s wrong. Koki keeps pushing his wheelchair until the corner of the hospital alleway.

Jin notices that this part of the hospital is very quiet, no people. They move a little bit more until Jin can see a police guarding in front of the door that he suspects as Kazuya’s room.

“Sorry, I would like to meet Kamenashi Kazuya.” Jin informs the police when they arrive in front of the room.

“Do you have any permit from the chief?” The police asks.

Jin glances at Koki but Koki doesn’t say anything. “No, I don’t. But I think I don’t need it.” Jin says.

“No sir, you can’t. You need the permit from chief and doctor’s companion.” The police doesn’t let them in. “Inside this room is a sadistic killer.”

Jin is angry when he hears what the police says. “She is not a sadistic killer! I am not dead! She didn’t kill anyone. It was an accident!”

Jin’s outburst doesn’t bug the police. The police doesn’t say anything in response so Jin continues. “I can explain everything, it’s my fault. Call your boss!! And open the door! I want to talk with her!” Jin can’t control his emotion anymore, he demands in a loud voice. He just wants to see Kazuya, why do these police make it so hard for him to meet her.

Albeit reluctantly, the police finally opens the door for them. Koki pushes Jin’s wheelchair inside the room.

The room is all white, there’s no stuffs other than the bed in the middle of the small room. There is even only one small window with bars attached to it. It totally looks more like a jail rather than a hospital ward. He scans the room and finds Kazuya sitting at the corner of the room, hugging her knees.

“Kazuya?” Jin calls her from his wheelchair. Yet, Kazuya doesn’t respond.

“Kazuya?” He calls her again. Still no response. Maybe she doesn’t hear him, Jin thinks.
Then Jin tries to get up from his wheelchair.

“Jin!” Koki reminds him.

“I’m fine.” Jin assures. Knowing how stubborn Jin can be, Koki helps him to stand up.

Now that Jin is already standing in his own feet, he can feel that he’s still weak and shaking. Wrong move won’t do him any good. But he wants to talk with Kazuya so he walks slowly towards her.

After he reaches Kazuya, he slowly sits down beside her. Kazuya doesn’t notice him yet. She’s still hugging and burying her face on her knees.

Only when Jin strokes her hair that she lifts her face slowly. “Kazuya..” Jin calls her name again.

“Jin..” Kazuya mumbles.

“I am here, Kazuya. I am fine. It was an accident, it was my fault. I’m sorry.” Jin kisses her head.

“Jin.. I’m sorry..” Kazuya apologizes, voice shaking and hoarse as if she has been crying a lot.

“You don’t need to apologize. It’s not your fault. I’ll explain everything to the police.” Jin tells him and Kazuya begins to cry.

Jin kisses her head again. “Please don’t cry, baby. Can’t you see that I’m fine?” He wipes the tears from Kazuya’s cheek.

“Jin.. I am sorry..” Kazuya apologizes again. But this time, she looks up above while saying that. “I am really sorry, Jin. Please come back to me..”

Frown starts to appear on Jin’s face. “Kazuya?”

Kazuya keeps crying. “Please come back to me, Jin.”

“Kazuya, I am here.” Jin tells her that again.

“Jin… ” Kazuya keeps calling Jin’s name.

Then it dawns to Jin like an epiphany that maybe Kazuya doesn’t notice his presence beside her, that maybe his biggest fear has come true.

“Kazuya, am I dead in your mind?” Jin tries to contain himself as he asks that. Fearing of what Kazuya’s response would be.

Instead of getting a response, Kazuya breaks down and cries even harder. “Jin!!” She shouts his name between her cry. “Don’t leave me alone here!”

Seeing Kazuya like that, Jin can feel that as if a blade just pierced through his heart. He suddenly feels lost as Kazuya keeps crying and calling his name. There is nothing he can do though.

He doesn’t know what to do. Feeling his heart broke because of Kazuya’s cry, Jin gathers her to his embrace. “I am here, baby.. Can’t you hear me? I am here...” Jin begins to cry silently.


Jin is awake in his bedroom, heaving a deep sigh. That morning somehow feels so peaceful to him. It’s been a month since what happened in the hospital. Jin has done everything he could do to bring Kazuya back to this home. He remembers that he even made up all stories that everything was an accident. No one knows the truth, except him and Kazuya. But no one can talk to her.

Ever since the incident, Kazuya has been locked inside her own world. The world where Jin is dead because she has killed him. Every day, Kazuya will just only sits in silence at the cafe downstairs, spacing out and sometimes crying. Jin never stops trying to engage a conversation with her but fails. It’s as if Jin is a ghost that Kazuya can’t see. Psychiatrists said that she is too lost, but Jin refuses to believe it.

Sighing, Jin turns to see his side and notices that Kazuya is not there. “Huh? Where is she?” Jin mutters to himself.

Then a familiar scent hits his nostrils. It’s a scent of his favourite coffee. Could it be?! Jin shrieks on his mind and jolting down from the bed. Rushing to downstairs.

His steps is stopped at the end of the stairs on the first floor. What he sees is raising his hopes up. He sees Kazuya is very busy in the kitchen. She is preparing breakfast and pouring coffee to Jin’s cup. It all seems so normal that Jin can’t help but wonder..

Has Kazuya gone back to normal?

To test it, he walks slowly closer to Kazuya. “Kazuya?” He calls her name softly.

Kazuya who is busy cooking something turns her body to put the scramble egg on the two plates on the table. Jin can see that she is smiling as she does that.

Jin is still amazed, can’t believe what he’s witnessing right now. Thus, he sits on the counter. He is surprised when Kazuya puts his cup of coffee in front of him. Smile starts to bloom on his face. Maybe his efforts finally paid off. He is so happy that Kazuya has gone back to normal.

He is about to eat his breakfast when suddenly Kazuya shouts, “Jin! Wake up! Breakfast is ready!!” Kazuya shouts towards the second floor, smile plastered on her face.

Jin puts his fork back on the table. “Kazuya, I’m here..” He says to Kazuya who is calling him again.

“Jiiiin!! It will be cold!” Kazuya shouts again without noticing Jin.

“Kazuya...” Jin stands up from the chair.

Then as if something dawns to her, Kazuya stops smiling and her expression slowly becoming sad as she begins to cry. “Jin..” Kazuya sobs.

Jin is approaching her before stopping when she screams. “Arghhh!!!!!” And wiping all the food on the table so it all scatter on the floor.

She breaks down and cries loudly. “Jin.. Don’t leave me alone..” She utters between her sobs.

Jin immediately walks to beside her and hugging her. “I’m here, Kazuya.. I’m here..” Jin tells her.

“Jin.. I’m so sorry. I’m really sorry. Please come back home, I miss you.” Kazuya keeps crying.

“I’m here, Kazuya.. Please open your eyes..” Jin pleads desperately.

But Kazuya doesn’t stop crying. “Jin...” She calls his name again.

It pains him to see her like that. He hugs her tightly, hoping that someday she will realize that Jin is still alive.

Jin doesn’t know how long he could take it, how long he could stop himself from breaking slowly because of Kazuya’s condition. There’s one thing he’s so sure though. “I will help you, Kazuya. I will pull you out from your world. I will bring my Kazuya back no matter how long it takes.” He mutters determinedly.


Hi! We're finally at the last chapter of this fic. Thank you for those who's been following this fic <(_ _)> It's good to know that there are people who still read it and also kind enough to leave us a comment despite the late update, pairing (it's het!kame :p), and sadistic plot.

So, how is it?

I hope the ending doesn't make you disappointed. But, in case you have any complain about the ending, you can send your complain to babana on the comment section because she's the person in charge for the plot and mainline! XD (I think she will make an appearance on author's notes after this).

Once again, thank you for reading. We'll see you soon with a new fic! Bye~

- Banana

het!kame, multichapter, desolation angel, fanfiction

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