Jun 04, 2014 00:29

Pairing: akame
Genre: AU, Angst
Rating: R
Warning: girl!Kame, English is not our native language.
Beta: babanashi
Disclaimer: it's a pure fiction.
Summary: Having been through a very bad incident in her past turns her into a mentally shaken woman. No one knows how she ended up like that. No one can’t find out what has happened to her because she is unable to communicate. Her life is a dead-end without a way to turn back, she is stuck inside a ward. Until one day, a man named Akanishi Jin passed the ward she’s been living in. Keeping a questionable past as well, the man decides to help her. Will he be her way out from the dead-end?

At the hospital, Jin is sitting in the lobby, heaving a deep sigh in order to calm himself down. Then Taguchi comes with a cup of coffee.

“Calm down, Jin. She’s going to be okay.” Taguchi assures and handing the coffee cup to Jin.

“How could you expect me to stay calm when Kazuya is still in that condition?” Jin questions him.

“Take a sip of this coffee first.” Taguchi suggests.

Despite the worry he feels, Jin knows that Taguchi is somehow right. Reluctantly, he receives the cup and takes a sip. The warm liquid helps to ease his nerves even if only a little.

“Here, eat this.” Nakamaru appears in front of him with a bento in his hand.

“I’m not feeling hungry.” Jin says.

“Huh? You’ve been telling me that since yesterday. Do you want to get sick or something?” Nakamaru scolds him and thrust the bento to his lap.

“Yeah.. You should eat. If you’re sick, who’s going to take care of Kazuya when she wakes up?” Taguchi tries to persuade him.

Feeling too tired to argue, Jin finally opens the bento and starts eating reluctantly. Meanwhile, Nakamaru is observing him from the seat next to him. He looks ready to scold Jin again if he stops eating.

“So.. You were interrogated by the police, right?” Taguchi asks which getting a nod from Jin. “How was it?”

“Awful.” Jin answers in a tired voice. “It was very tiring, they keep on throwing questions one after another in 4 hours”

“What have the police told you?” Nakamaru cast a look at Jin who slowly finishing his bento.

“They’re gonna do further investigation. But they still need info from Kazuya. Her statement is the key for this case.” Jin states before chewing the last chunk of meat from his bento.

Nakamaru and Taguchi look at each other, silently agree that it’s better to refrain themselves from throwing more question. They understand how Jin’s feel right now because they are also worried of Kazuya’s condition but decide to not showing it to assure Jin that everything is going to be okay.

A few minutes later, Jin finally finishes his food. He closes the bento box, puts it back to the plastic back and gives it to Nakamaru. Then he empty the cup of coffee and gives it back Taguchi.

“Thank you. I’m going to accompany Kazuya again.” Jin announces as he rises from his seat.

Nakamaru and Taguchi nod at him. “Okay, it’s time for us to go back to our work then.” Nakamaru says as he pats Jin shoulder before walking away with Taguchi trailing behind him.


The strong smell of disinfectants combine with the smell of several medicines being used in the room hit Jin’s nostrils when he walks in to the ICU room. As he approaches Kazuya’s bed, he hears beep sounds from hospital equipments that he thinks he will only see from tv drama or movies.

Jin drags a chair and positions it beside Kazuya’s bed. He sits down on the chair and looks at Kazuya who is lying unconsciously with oxygen mask covering her mouth and nose. There are also several tubes attached to her body. Then he holds Kazuya’s hand only to realize that her hand is so cold.

As Jin holds her hand, he looks at Kazuya’s sleeping face with a pained expression. She’s been on unconscious state for two days. There is also no any response from her when Jin calls her name or holds her hand. The doctor told him that she has passed the critical phase. But it doesn’t lessen Jin’s worry even a bit. He can’t feel calm when Kazuya is still not awake.

Jin is so scared that Kazuya won’t wake up. Yet, he doesn’t dare to say that because he’s afraid that his fears would become a reality. No matter what, he has to be strong and wait for Kazuya to wake up.

Sighing, Jin then examines Kazuya’s face that covered with bruises like she’s been beaten up before. Jin also remembers the doctor said that Kazuya’s body is full of bruises and wounds. And what makes Jin feels like crying is when the doctor told him that Kazuya was raped and lost their baby.

Why Kazuya must experience this horrifying thing again? Jin wonders. Why her. Jin can’t understand why there is a person who can do all this things to her. She is a very nice and gentle person. It’s just hard for Jin to imagine Kazuya did something that make a person hold a grudge to her.

Jin rubs Kazuya’s head gently as he speaks in hushed voice. “Kazuya, I know that you are exhausted. I know that you want to rest.” Jin tries to continue talking to Kazuya even though deep inside, all he want to do right now is crying. “But please, don’t sleep too long.. I miss you..”

Still, there is no reaction from Kazuya. Jin doesn’t stop talking though. “We have promised to go back home, right? Koki must have been waiting for us to come home.” Then a small smile appears on his face as he continues. “We also need to prepare for our wedding. I’m sure you can’t wait to wear a pretty dress.”

Jin stops for a few seconds. Then he caress Kazuya’s right cheek before kissing her forehead and saying, “Kazuya.. please wake up soon.”

Kazuya remain unmoving. There’s still a hope, Jin will be back again tomorrow and do the same thing.


It turns out that three days has been passed but Kazuya’s condition stays the same. She is still unconscious, totally unresponsive to everything. However, Jin almost never leaves her bed. Nakamaru and Taguchi offers to take turn to wait for Kazuya but Jin refuses. Both of them can’t argue, as long as Jin comes out from the ICU to eat the food they bring for him then they can accept it.

On the fourth night at the ICU, Jin is sitting on the chair beside Kazuya’s bed while holding her hand like the days before. Four days with minimum amount of sleep starts to show its effect on Jin. No matter how hard he try to keep his eyes open, it seems to be very difficult.

Jin almost falls asleep when he feels a tight grip on his hand. He jolts awake and sees Kazuya’s hand gripping his so hard it hurts. His tiredness and sleepiness is gone immediately. He is now focusing his attention to Kazuya who has her eyes open but it doesn’t seem like she is a hundred percent conscious.

She is breathing rapidly like a shocked and scared person.

“Kazuya?” Jin tries to call her name but it seems that Kazuya doesn’t aware of Jin’s presence. She is trying to detach herself from the infusion, nasogastric tube, and several cables glued to her body. The device and monitor beside the bed start beeping loudly.

Jin keeps calling her name to gain her attention but Kazuya doesn’t hear him. She moves frantically it’s getting dangerous because she is almost fall off the bed if not for Jin who immediately take a hold of her body so that she will stop moving. Jin has a mixed feeling between relief because Kazuya is finally wake up and confused because she looks really scared and doesn’t give any sign that she knows Jin is there.

The loud beeping creates a commotion in the ICU. Not long after Jin successfully holds Kazuya’s body, a doctor comes followed by two nurses to handle Kazuya. One of the nurses orders Jin to release Kazuya and push him to stay away from the bed. Jin tries to move closer to help but can’t do that because the nurse prevents him from doing that.

Jin can only observe the commotion in front of him quietly. He sees that the other nurse is holding Kazuya’s shoulder preventing her from moving. “Kamenashi-san, can you hear me?” Jin hear the doctor asks.

Again, Kazuya doesn’t respond. She keeps struggling to release herself.

“She is not fully conscious yet. Her mind can’t catch up.” The doctor announces.

Then Jin hear the doctor says something to Kazuya again. ”Kamenashi-san, please relax. We’ll put you back to sleep again.”

Hearing that, Jin can’t stop himself from asking. “What?! She’s finally wake up and you’re going to put her back to sleep again?!” Jin totally can’t understand that.

“It’s better for her to sleep right now. Please calm down, she’s fine.” One of the nurses assure Jin before injecting the sedative to Kazuya.

Kazuya is gradually falling back to sleep as the sedative starts to affecting her. The doctor checks few things when Kazuya has fallen asleep. Then he nods as if confirming himself about something then walks closer to Jin.

“Kamenashi-san has gotten better. She’s probably going to wake up tomorrow morning or afternoon.” The doctor tells him. “But please, be prepared with her mental breakdown.”

The doctor then leaves, followed by the two nurses after they finish checking and fixing Kazuya’s cables and tubes.

Jin can be relieved at least for now. But, mental breakdown? Jin thinks. He definitely ready for that. As far as he believe.


Kazuya has been awake since yesterday afternoon just like the doctor expected. She also has been moved from the ICU to the regular ward. But even though she is wake up now, she stays quiet. She doesn’t talk nor showing any interest to her surrounding. When Jin tries to engage her in a conversation, she only nods or shakes her head before retreating back to a silence.

Jin’s mind then drifting to when Kazuya woke up yesterday afternoon.

Jin was so relieved when Kazuya finally woke up after the effect of the sedative wear off. She looked around but she still looked blank.

“Kazuya?” Jin who had been sitting beside the bed and witnessing Kazuya’s behaviour tried to gain her attention.

Kazuya turned her head to Jin’s direction. But she’s only looking at him in silence as if trying recall what happened and why she was there. And suddenly, she started crying.

Jin who had expected a break down tried to calm her. “Our baby, Jin.. Our baby.. I’m sorry.” She apologized between her sobs.

“Sssh.. that’s okay. I’m grateful that you’re safe.” Jin reassured her as he rub back to put her at ease. But Kazuya kept crying no matter how hard Jin tried to lessen her guilt.

A small sob wakes him up from his reverie. He turn his gaze to Kazuya who rubs her belly while crying. It happens so often ever since Kazuya woke up. And when it happens, Jin can only hug her, patting her hair or stroking her back to soothe her.

He tells her that there is nothing to forgive, that it’s not her fault. Yet, Kazuya keeps apologizing and it breaks Jin’s heart. Jin really feels like everything has gone back like when the first time he met Kazuya. This is going to be hard but for Kazuya’s sake, Jin is willing to help Kazuya to get better again.

Seems like Jin’s presence doing good to Kazuya. She eats even if it’s a small portion of her breakfast but it’s still a good progress. Thinking that Jin needs to change his clothes, he texts Taguchi and Nakamaru to come to look after Kazuya while he is taking clean clothes. But no replies from them. Jin assumes that they’re very busy they don’t have time to check their phone.

Jin looks at the clock and notices that it’s two hours before lunch. He estimates that the nurse will come in several minutes from now to check on Kazuya. Because of that he decides to go now so that he will come back before lunch time.

He bids his goodbye to Kazuya reluctantly. Telling her that he won’t be long. Kazuya only nods and then Jin leaves.

Half an hour later, Kazuya perks up hearing someone is opening the door, thinking that it’s Jin who has come back. But when the person comes in Kazuya’s eyes widened in horror.

It’s Ueda Tatsuya.

“Hello..” Tatsuya greets nonchalantly. Completely ignoring Kazuya who starts shivering. “Look, I’m not going to take a long time here.” She walks closer toward Kazuya’s bed.

Kazuya tries to avert her eyes from Ueda but that woman prevent her from doing that by grabbing Kazuya’s hair and forcing her to lift her face.

“Do you think you can escape from me?” Tatsuya whispers with a mean voice to her ear. “Do you think that I don’t know where you live? The hospital where you stay?”

Kazuya doesn’t answer. She closes her eyes tightly.

“Aww.. Kazuya don’t be scared.” Tatsuya smirks evilly. “I let you live because of Ryo. He told me to not kill you. He’s too nice for his own good and doesn’t have a heart to see you die.” She chuckles. It’s all lies, Kazuya knows. Nishikido isn’t a kind man.

“I wouldn’t do anything to you again if you stay away from my husband. But..” She stops dramatically before continuing. “If you dare to bother us again, or if you leak my name or Ryo’s name to the police. I will definitely make you suffer,” she threatens.

“I will kill everyone in the orphanage where you lives, including the kids. I will kill your boyfriend. And I will make you witnessing all of those before finally killing you with my own hands.” Tatsuya tells her. Smiling to herself when she sees Kazuya starts crying and shivering.

Satisfied with herself, she releases Kazuya’s hair violently and walking out of the room just like that. Leaving Kazuya who is sobbing alone and scared.

Luckily, not too long after that, Jin is coming. He finds Kazuya sobbing on the bed. But when he asks her, she doesn’t answer. Instead, she’s throwing herself to Jin’s embrace and crying. Jin is puzzled but he thinks that maybe is having that sudden outburst again so he just strokes her back and pats her head to soothe her.


It’s lunch time when Kazuya’s doctor comes with a police. Jin who is feeding Kazuya a bowl of porridge stops to ask if the doctor wants to check Kazuya’s condition or something. “Oh.. it’s fine, just continue with the food. She needs it.” The doctor says.

Jin continues to feed her but Kazuya shakes her head as a sign that she doesn’t want to eat anymore.

Seeing that there’s not much left on the bowl, the doctor introduces the police. “Kamenashi-san, this is the police who is in charge of your case. He needs to talk to you, to ask a few questions so that there’s gonna be an improvement in the investigation.” The doctor explains it to Kazuya.

“I’m Yoshitaka. We need several information from you.” Yoshitaka talks to Kazuya but Kazuya doesn’t answer. She doesn’t even look at him.

“Could you please wait outside? This is private.” Yoshitaka request to Jin and the doctor.

Jin is about to stand up when Kazuya grabs his hand. “It’s fine. Don’t worry. I’m waiting outside.” Jin tells Kazuya before walking outside with the doctor.

Now there are only Kazuya and Yoshitaka in the room. Yoshitaka sits on the chair beside the bed where Jin previously sat on.

“Could you please tell me your name?” He inquires.

Kazuya doesn’t answer.

“Ma’am?” The police rebukes.

“Kamenashi Kazuya.” Kazuya says in a small voice.

“Please tell me what you remember about the incident.”

Kazuya doesn’t answer. She only hangs her head low. She remembers what Tatsuya said before.

“Or before the incident. Where were you going to? With whom did you meet?”

No answer again.

Yoshitaka heaves a deep sigh. Nevertheless, he continues. “The examination result from the medical team states that you were experiencing a physical abuse. There are bruises from being hit by blunt object, slaps, and kicks.”

Kazuya starts trembling upon hearing the police’s description.

Yoshitaka doesn’t stop. “There are some evidence that you have been raped and that’s the cause of your miscarriage.”

Kazuya begins to cry.

“Do you recognise them? Do you remember their features? We will draw sketch for further investigation.” He announces.

Kazuya takes a deep breath, trying to hold back her tears. Then she close her eyes as if trying to remember something. She stays quiet for a few seconds before suddenly becomes hysterical. She starts screaming and crying out loud.

Jin barge in and runs closer to crying Kazuya who is immediately hiding herself in Jin’s embrace.

“It’s enough, please.” Jin tells the police as he tries to soothe Kazuya.

“We need information from her for further investigation.” The police persists.

“Please, she’s still unstable.” Jin plead, he can’t bear to see Kazuya being tortured by police’s questions anymore.

“Ok. But there will be no progress in this investigation without information from her.”

“Next time. There is no need to force her like this, right? I’m sure that it’s fine to wait until her condition becomes more stable.” The doctor tells the police.

The police seems reluctant at first but then he finally walks outside of the room with the doctor, leaving Jin who is still trying to reassure Kazuya that everything is okay.


Kazuya’s cry subsides gradually when she notices that it’s only Jin who stays in the room. No more scary police who asks too many questions that forces her to remember what has happened to her.

Seeing that Kazuya is not crying anymore, Jin helps her to drink her medicines. After she finishes, Jin rubs her back soothingly and pats her head before helping her to lay down on the bed. He adjusts her blanket and holds her hand so that she won’t feel scared to sleep.

It’s not too long after that, Jin also falls asleep in his chair. Head on the mattress beside his hand that never stop holding Kazuya’s hand.

Then Kazuya starts sweating and thrashing in her sleep while mumbling. “Help.. no..”

Upon feeling that the grip on his hand is getting tighter, Jin begins to stir from his sleep. He vaguely hear someone calling for help. When he feels the bed shaking, he opens his eyes and shocked to see Kazuya thrashing and sweating.

“Kazuya, wake up.. wake up!” Jin tries to wake her up but fails.

Instead of waking up, she starts screaming in her sleep. “No!! Please don’t! I have a baby! No!!”

“Kazuya!! Kazuya!” Jin shakes her body. He’s panicking.

“ARGH!! Help!! Jin!! It hurts!! Jin! Our baby..” Kazuya shrieks.

“Kazuya!!” Jin desperately calling her. “Kazuya!!!” He shakes her body harshly, hoping that it will wake her up from whatever nightmare she is having right now.

Jin’s hope comes true though. Kazuya opens her eyes. She is panting and she looks so shocked. She doesn’t say anything while Jin is still holding her shoulder.

“It’s okay, Kazuya, It’s only a nightmare.” Jin says in a gentle voice. He gathers Kazuya to his embrace. He rubs her back to soothe her.

“Jin..” Kazuya finally responses to him and hug him back. She starts crying, burying her face on Jin’s tummy.

“Shh.. It’s okay. I’m here.” Jin assures, hand never stop rubbing Kazuya’s back soothingly.

Jin then lay down beside Kazuya so that they are now snuggling with Kazuya burying her face on Jin’s chest. Jin rubs her back and kiss her forehead.

“I’m sorry, Jin..” Kazuya says between her small sob.

“Eh?” Jin is taken by a surprise of Kazuya’s apology.

“I couldn’t protect our baby. I’m sorry, Jin. I’m really sorry.” Kazuya starts crying again.

Jin hugs her tighter. “Shh.. It’s not your fault.” He rubs her back. He feels quite relieved and happy because Kazuya has finally begun to talk to him.

“I’m sorry, Jin. I tried to fight but they held my hands and legs.” Kazuya continues. “I tried to scream, but then they..” She sobs. “They hit me and gagged me with clothes.. and then.. they.. they..” Kazuya stops there and bawls her eyes out on Jin’s chest.

Jin doesn’t say anything. He only keeps rubbing her back and kiss the top of her head.

“I’m sorry, Jin. I’m sorry.” Kazuya’s voice quiver.

“It’s not your fault.” Jin never stops rubbing her back. His t-shirt is damped because of Kazuya’s tears but he couldn’t care less about that.

Jin is actually doing his best to choke back his own tears. He understands what has happened to Kazuya and why the girl can’t continue her story. He also doesn’t think he would be able to keep his strong facade if Kazuya told him explicitly.

Jin stays hugging her until Kazuya’s cry subsides. But when she has stopped crying, she suddenly pushes Jin’s body and then she’s releasing herself from Jin’s hold.

“Kazuya??” Jin is too shocked being pushed off the bed like that by Kazuya.

“I’m dirty. I’m tainted.” Kazuya states.

“No, you’re not.” Frown starts to appear on Jin’s face. He wonders what triggers Kazuya’s change of attitude.

“I’m a slut. I’m worthless.” Kazuya says. She is looking at Jin coldly.

“Stop saying that.” Jin moves closer to the other side of the bed slowly.

“I killed our baby.”

“No, no. It’s not your fault.” Jin tells her. Hoping desperately that she would stop apologizing and blaming herself.

“I’m.. I’m..” Kazuya wants to say the same thing all over again but Jin cuts her.

“You’re Kamenashi Kazuya. My soon to be wife.” Jin declares when he’s finally standing beside Kazuya’s side on the bed.

“I lost our baby, Jin.” Kazuya utters in small voice, diverting her gaze from Jin to her hands.

“I’m marrying you because I love you.” Jin tells her before braving himself to hug her. “We’ll be married, we’ll build our family. We will have lovely children. We’re going to be happy.” He continues.

“But I’m..” Kazuya tries to argue even though she doesn’t try to release herself from Jin’s embrace.

“Forget about all of that.”

Kazuya doesn’t respond anything to that. They stay in that position for few minutes. No one utters a word until Kazuya breaks the silence between them.

“Could you call Taguchi here?” Kazuya lifts her face to look at Jin as she says that.

“Eh? Are you feeling sick? I will call the nurse.”

Kazuya shakes her head. “I need to talk with Taguchi.”

“But I don’t know if he’s on duty tonight or not.” Jin is still dumbfounded by such a sudden request from Kazuya. Why does she suddenly want to meet Taguchi? Jin asks on his mind.

“Please..” Kazuya pleads.

Jin is worried about Kazuya’s condition. What if she wants to meet Taguchi because she wants to tell him about her past. Even though it’s hard for Jin to admit, there’s something about Kazuya that he still doesn’t fully understand, her past. Maybe Taguchi could help. Because of that, despite his unsure feelings he finally complies to Kazuya’s request.

“Ok. I will look for him.” He tells Kazuya before leaving the room to find Taguchi.

When Jin arrived at the nurse room, he finds out that Taguchi is not on duty tonight. Thus, Jin dials Taguchi’s number. Hoping that the guy will pick up his phone quickly. However, after several calls, Taguchi hasn’t picked up the phone. He must be sleeping and it proves that waking him up is not an easy thing.

Thinking that it’s an urgent matter, Jin tries again. Lucky enough for him, Taguchi finally pick up.

“Moshi-moshi..” Taguchi answers with a sleepy voice followed by a yawn.

“Damn, I’ve tried to call you for hundred times already!” Jin curses.

“Huh? Sorry.. I’m so tired, I just finished my 24 hours shift.” Taguchi sounds tired.

Jin feels bad for waking him up in such condition but it’s all about Kazuya so he has no choice. “Can you come here right now?” He asks Taguchi.

Still feeling a little disoriented from the sleep, Taguchi can’t help but to ask again what Jin has said. When it registers to his brain that Jin is asking him to come to the hospital right now, he confusedly asks, “Huh? Why? What’s wrong?”

“Kazuya wants to talk with you.” Jin tells Taguchi the reason.

“Can we do that tomorrow?” Taguchi yawns.

“Please? It’s a good thing that Kazuya wants to talk with you. You perfectly understand her condition, right?” Jin pleads. Wishing that Taguchi will come despite his tiredness.

Jin hears Taguchi’s sighs over the phone. “Alright, alright. I will come.” Taguchi finally agrees.

“Thank you.” Jin says before hanging up his phone and walking back to Kazuya’s room.

To think about it, Jin is happy to see that Kazuya finally wants to speak. Jin is very sad with what has happened to her, losing their baby like that must be very painful not only for Kazuya but also for him. Yet, the most important thing for him right now is for Kazuya to move on and stop blaming herself. Even with a small step, nothing is going to change his feelings for her. He will always love her and will marry her.

Jin opens the door of Kazuya’s room. “Taguchi is not on duty tonight, but..” He trailed and stop dead in his track when he sees Kazuya is having a seizures on the bed. Jin immediately walks closer to the bed.

When he is near, Kazuya is still having a seizures. Her eyes rolled back and she is foaming at the mouth. “Kazuya! Kazuya!!” Jin pats her cheek but there’s no response from her.

Jin doesn’t understand what happens to Kazuya and he is becoming really panic because of that. He presses the emergency button briskly.

The doctor and nurses are rushing to the room soon after they hear alarm. Kazuya is quickly being surrounded by the doctor and nurses while Jin is looking worriedly not too far from the bed. He hears the doctor asking, “Kamenashi-san, do you hear me?” and using small flashlight to check her eyes.

“Kamenashi-san?” Jin hears the doctor is trying to call her again but still no response from her.

Then one of the nurse bends down, taking something that looks like a medicine bottles. “Sensei..” She utters as she shows the bottle to the doctor.

The doctor is checking the bottle now and there are only a few pills left. Jin still doesn’t understand what is happening but after that he sees another nurse is attaching the ambu bag and beginning to help Kazuya to breathe.

The doctor is shouting, “Call the medical team!!” to one of the nurse who then pushing Jin away. She tells him that it’s an emergency case and Kazuya needs to be moved immediately. Soon, Jin sees the doctor and nurse are taking Kazuya to the ICU. Jin follows them until the reach the ICU but one of the nurse stops him and tells him to wait outside.

Outside of the ICU, Jin is too stunned by what he just saw. His mind is completely blank before a realization hits him. Did Kazuya try to commit suicide? That bottle on the floor, those few pills that left.

Why? Jin questions himself as he slumps against the wall, both of his hands covering his face. He is beginning to blame himself. He shouldn’t have leave Kazuya alone, he could have just called Taguchi to come. He should have...

“Urggh..” Jin groans. Feeling totally frustrated. His mind has gone completely blank again because there is just too much worry on his head that he doesn’t realize someone is approaching him while calling his name.

“Jin?” Jin feels a tap on his shoulder that makes him raise his head to see the person.

It’s Taguchi.

“What is happening?” Taguchi looks confused.

Jin doesn’t answer. Instead, he buries his face to his hands again.

“I came to Kazuya’s room but it’s empty so I asked the nurse and she said that the patient has been moved to ICU.” Taguchi needs an explanation but Jin still doesn’t give him that. “And here I am, finding you looking so devastated. I thought she wants to talk to me?”

“Shut up! I also don’t know what happened to her!” Jin shoots Taguchi a frustrated glance before retreating back to his previous position.

Jin’s reaction telling Taguchi that it’s something really serious so he doesn’t pester anymore. Instead, he sits down on the bench near Jin. Waiting for the doctor or nurse coming out of the ICU to tell them about Kazuya’s condition.

Too engrossed with their own thoughts, they don’t notice how many minutes has passed until the doctor comes out.

Jin approaches the doctor immediately and asking, “How is she?”

“I have pumped out her stomach. Now she’s still unconscious and unstable.” The doctor answers calmly.

“Did she overdose? Suicide trial?” Jin sounds unsure when he asks that.

“Yes, it’s highly possible that.” The doctor confirms.

“How’s that even possible?” Jin can’t believe what the doctor just said even though he has been suspecting the cause of her condition.

“She was a nurse in this hospital, Jin. She knows the code number of medicine cabinets.” Taguchi reminds Jin.

“Ka...” Jin’s voice is shaking. He can’t continue what he’s going to say because instead of talking, he begins to cry.


Hey guys! Hope you all doing good. Sorry for the late reply for the comments on the previous chapter because I suck at replying comments. Seems like the previous chapter has made you all sad and also angry at Ryo and Ueda. Yeah.. I hate them too. But you know that it's very difficult to get rid of them forever. And then, if you've been wondering about the baby, Kazuya lost the baby :( and her condition doesn't seem to get better too.

But, there's only one more chapter left. Yep, the next chapter is going to be the last chapter. It means that Kazuya's fate most likely will be determined on that chapter.

However, don't be sad. Me and babana are preparing something new for you. Something that really different from this one, you'll see when it gets posted XD

I'll see you again on the next chapter then~
Comments are always loved <3
Thanks a lot!

- Banana

het!kame, multichapter, desolation angel, fanfiction, akame

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