[FIC] Bridge of Obsession chapter 2 - part 2

Oct 21, 2013 15:32

“I’m home.” Kazuya says after unlocking the door. He could smell a nice scent of curry. He only had a bread for lunch so the smell made him realize that he was so hungry.

Kazuya made his way to the kitchen and saw that his boyfriend arranging plate on the dining table. “I cook curry for you. Today must’ve been very tiring for you.” Tatsuya said. He didn’t look up to see Kazuya’s face.

“Yeah.. Jin didn’t come again so I have to do some of his parts too.”

“Oh.. Good, the curry is ready. Please sit down, let me serve you well tonight.” Tatsuya was smiling to him before stirring the curry and preparing it for Kazuya.

Usually, Tatsuya would snapped if Kazuya mentioned Jin’s name, but tonight was different. His boyfriend was probably in a good mood or something. Kazuya didn’t want to think about it because he was relieved that Tatsuya didn’t start to argue with him like usual.

“Let's eat our dinner, Kazuya,” Tatsuya’s voice taking him back to the reality. “Itadakimasu~” His boyfriend smiled to him before putting spoonful of curry rice to his mouth.

“Itadakimasu” Kazuya joined his boyfriend to dig in.

“How’s it? Good?”

Kazuya admitted that his boyfriend cook was always very good. “It’s very delicious!”

“I knew it. Curry is your favorite after all.” Tatsuya looked so happy.

The atmosphere was so good and relaxing between them. Kazuya felt grateful because his boyfriend seemed so calm and understanding. They didn’t have sex that night. Tatsuya let him sleep after taking a shower.

“You need lots of rest. I know you have tons of work at the office.” That’s what Tatsuya said before tucking Kazuya into bed. Kazuya was so relaxed that night that he could take his mind off Jin for a while.

The next day, Jin still hadn’t showed up. Their manager told him that they got extra time to finish the project. With only Kazuya doing the project, it was quite impossible to meet the deadline. Kazuya felt grateful for the time extension. He needed to refresh his mind, that’s why he chose to go home earlier.

Kazuya found his boyfriend was sitting on the couch, eating chips while watching TV. “I’m home~” He was startling his boyfriend who didn’t expect Kazuya to come home that early.

“Kazuya?” Tatsuya’s confused look made him chuckled.

“I feel that I need to refresh my mind and relax a bit. So I decided to go home earlier because the manager gave us extra time to finish the project.” Kazuya explained.

“Oh, that’s great! Come here!” Tatsuya patted his laps, giving Kazuya a sign that he wanted them to enjoy a nice evening together with Kazuya laying his head on his boyfriend’s lap while watching random programs on TV.

Half an hour had passed, Tatsuya got up and walked to the kitchen to get more snack. Kazuya was still laying on the couch, changing the channel lazily. It seemed that no more interesting program that he can watch with his boyfriend tonight. He might ask Tatsuya to watch a DVD with him. He remembered there are still some DVDs he bought last month that he hadn’t had a time to watch.

Kazuya stopped on the news channel, something stopped him from pressing the button to change the channel.

“This morning, a man was found dead near Sumida River, Adachi Ward.” The news anchor said, “A drunken man was seen kneeling beside the corpse when the police did the routine patrol. It seemed that the drunken man was trying to wake him up but when the police checked, the man was already dead.” Then the news showed the situation at Sumida River .

“The police still unable to identify the man because no identity card found near the body.” Police, reporters, and passerby were seen surrounding the dead body. Kazuya couldn’t see the face because the whole body was covered with white sheet.

“The police will continue the investigation to identify the man’s identity. Everyone is asked to help the police to identify the man.” The screen was back to the news anchor at the studio.

“If there’s a member of your family that went missing for few days or more, please call the number below.” A number flashing below the news anchor.

Kazuya’s heartbeat became faster.

“Serves him right.” Kazuya didn’t realize that his boyfriend was standing behind him. A shock flashed on his face when he heard what his boyfriend said right after that.

“He reap what he sow.”

First thing that came to Kazuya’s mind when he heard that was Jin. Jin who had been missing for few days already. What if that dead man was Jin. He might sound like a paranoid because even Jin’s flatmate, Nakamaru, didn’t look worried at all.

“I have warned you.” Tatsuya sat beside Kazuya with a bowl of chips on his hand. “So what shall we do?”

Kazuya was still in shock. Tatsuya didn’t like Jin. He didn’t like anyone who tried to be Kazuya’s friend. He knew that his boyfriend was super possessive. But Tatsuya wouldn’t kill Jin, would he? Besides, there’s still a possibility that the dead man wasn’t Jin. Kazuya was trying to assure himself.

“Uhm.. what about watching DVD?” Kazuya tried to talk calmly despite his raging heartbeat.

“Ok. What do you want to watch?” Tatsuya asked.

“I bought several DVDs, I’ll let you choose. I’m going the bathroom first.” Kazuya pointed to the stack of DVDs near their TV.

Tatsuya nodded and proceeded to choose what movie they were going to watch.

Meanwhile at the bathroom, Kazuya fished his phone out of his pocket and scroll to find Jin’s apartment number. He remembered that he had saved it together with Jin’s mobile number.

“Hello?” It’s Nakamaru.

“Hello, this is Kamenashi.”

“Ah Kamenashi, what’s up?”

“Is Jin home already?”

“Oh.. no. Not yet.” Nakamaru answered nonchalantly.

That answer didn’t help Kazuya to calm down, it freaked him out. It made his worry even bigger. That little voice inside his head keep telling him that the dead man was Jin, Tatsuya killed him. But his heart telling him no, as possessive as Tatsuya might be, he wouldn’t go that far to kill a person, right?

“Kamenashi?” Nakamaru’s voice brought him back to reality. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.. sorry.” He wasn’t sure if he’s okay.

“Look, you have to stop stressing yourself because of this matter. I assure you that it’s not the first time for Jin to act this way. Calm down, okay?”

Still, Nakamaru’s words didn’t help to convince him that Jin was safe. Kazuya needed a prove. Just when Kazuya was about to talk to Nakamaru again, a knock was heard.

“Kazuya? Are you okay?” It’s Tatsuya. Kazuya didn’t realize that he had been in the bathroom for almost 20 minutes.

“Kamenashi?” Nakamaru’s voice was heard again from the phone.

Kazuya didn’t bother to answer, he hung up the phone and answered his boyfriend, “I’m okay!” before going out of the bathroom to see his boyfriend’s curious expression.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah..” Kazuya smiled. “Have you chosen what movie we’re going to watch?”

“Yes, come on.” Then both of them walked to the living room.

Kazuya settled himself on Tatsuya’s lap again, Tatsuya was brushing his hair lovingly while watching the movie. Kazuya didn’t care about the movie, his mind revolved around Jin. He’s too engrossed in his own thought he didn’t realize when Tatsuya called his name.

“Kazuya?” He felt a finger poked his cheek.

“Huh?” He blinked, turning his face to see Tatsuya was looking down at him.

“I’m bored.” His boyfriend yawned. “This movie is so boring. Can we just do another thing?”

“Hmm..” Kazuya answered absentmindedly. His mind was still on Jin as he get up from Tatsuya’s lap.

“Let’s go to bed.” He heard his boyfriend told him before walking toward their bedroom.

Kazuya followed suit. He was too engrossed in his own thought when he was already laying on the bed and felt a pair of lips landed on his lips. Tatsuya was kissing him.

Kazuya’s mind told him to respond. So he did. He had another plan at the back of his mind though. To fulfill this plan, he was going to take of charge. Kazuya kissed Tatsuya back, passionately.

It took Tatsuya by a surprise because Kazuya didn’t usually this eager. Tatsuya wouldn’t let him to dominate though. He bit Kazuya’s lower lips and took a chance to slip his tongue inside Kazuya’s mouth. Kazuya’s moan made him smirk in victory.

After that, he ran his tongue to Kazuya’s neck. Definitely going to leave a mark right there. Kazuya was his. No one couldn’t take him away.

Kazuya gasped when he felt his boyfriend teeth sinking to his flesh. He tried to enjoy it. He could feel Tatsuya was running his hand inside his shirt. Tweaking his right nipple as his boyfriend know that it’s his sensitive part.

Then he felt his boyfriend moved his mouth to his left ear. “No, Kazuya. You can’t dominate me.” He heard Tatsuya’s whisper to his left ear. Kazuya responded that by brushing his right knee to his boyfriend crotch. That made Tatsuya moan.

Tatsuya trailed his lips back to Kazuya’s neck, then back to devour Kazuya’s lips. His right hand was moving southward to cup Kazuya’s crotch which made Kazuya’s groan in pleasure. Still biting and thrusting his tongue to Kazuya’s mouth, Tatsuya unzipped Kazuya’s jeans and brushed his clothed member.

Kazuya moaned even louder.

“You’re so loud, Kazuya.” Tatsuya whispered, a satisfied smirk plastered on his face. He brushed Kazuya’s clothed member slowly.


“Hmm?” Tatsuya hummed.

“Tatsuya~~” Kazuya mewled lewdly.

Smirking at Kazuya’s reaction, Tatsuya took no time to remove Kazuya’s jeans and boxer. He kept nibbling at Kazuya’s lower lip while his hands was playing with Kazuya’s member. Eliciting louder moan from Kazuya. This was definitely not what Kazuya had planned.

Gathering all of his strenght, Kazuya flipped their position. Tatsuya, who was still fully clothed, with Kazuya - half naked Kazuya - on top of him. “What are you gonna do?” Tatsuya laid comfortably under Kazuya, dare Kazuya to do something. His leg rubbed Kazuya’s naked crotch.

Using all of his strengths to stop himself from moaning out loud, Kazuya managed to tell his boyfriend, “Let me take care of you tonight.”

A flash of surprised could be seen from Tatsuya’s eyes. It wasn’t every day he could see Kazuya being that bold. So he made himself comfortable on the bed and let Kazuya did anything to him. That was going to be a long, exhausting, but fun night for Tatsuya.

a/n: urgh.. Don't know what's wrong but LJ being bitchy so I had to post this chapter in two parts because it refused posting it as one part. File too large it said. orz. Oh well, we planned to write smut for this chapter but I guess I'm still not capable to write smut.. lol. Probably on the next chapter, you'll get more steamy scene. We hope you enjoy this chapter too. Comments are loved <3

multichapter, kameda

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