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Feb 10, 2006 09:42

so many people say the grass is greener on the other side........
and its not......
The grass looks greener and everyone on the other side makes it sound so good but when you get there it is all a lie.....
its a lie with minimal truth its sounds so good you had no idea it was even a lie.....it in fact has less truth then the lie
it seems so promising so great when you only go to visit,and then you getthere and its nothing but a lie an unruley reality filled with arguments ,hatedred,lies,violence,sandnessand brown burnt grass. things that fill your brain so much it hurts.
oh yes everything is fine its great,you begin lieing to yourself,makeing yourself beleive its so great better then what was.
AT least i still have my PRIDE ,hahaha ,what PRIDE ,do you you have if all you have is SADDNESS ,hatered ,violence,and lies?
oh yeah it wasnt so bad liveing where i was ,i guess,

why cant the grass just turn green ,ok ive seen it, so mot everywhere i go is the grass going to be green.
is there green grass anywhere or am i just burning the grass everywhere i go?

oh yeah its my fault your drifting away from your kids yup that my fault ...mmmmmhm...haha yea right stop sending them from one parent to another and then maybe your kids wont be drifting im sorry i treat your kids good and dont give them everything they want right a way ...im sorry your a pot head and all you want to do is sit in your room and do drugs im sorry you only want to cry about what you dont have and not b happy about all,the SHIT you do have......im not jeleous im angry....its not my fault you dont know how to deal with your children im sorry you suck at being a dad and you being a mom ...maybe if you didnt give them every fucking thing they wanted they wouldnt be spoiled little fucking BRATS......im sorry i was miss percived and thought it would be a good thing to come help you and TAKE OVER EVERYTHING!!!!i DIDNT ask for that!!! you handed it to me on a silver platter ..oh yea wait i asked for it !!! hahahahaha yea fucking right ...oh andits my fault you fight over money and the fact that u cant pay ur bills STOP getting credit cards and stop buying shit you dont need **cough **cough* weed, and pay for the shit you need to pay for....oh ur so cool u pay so much money a week like 200 dollars a week in pot and now its because we eat too much ahh heloo dumb FUCK ..ur the pot head who fucking eats everything??????? your such a dumb fucker i could understanmdt if you didnt have to kids in the house and u were not always a pot head and dnt smoke so much all the time but you r so how the fuck is it me eating all the food or wayne hello?how come when it comes down to whos fault it is that everythings wrong its never you fault its always someone elses ....yea ok you reminding me of a 16 yr old named melinda shes a winny bitch tooo until she gets what she wants .gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr why the fuck is it never your fault??? hmh?wheree did all the money go oh ok lets sit down and thing weed,food for the fat pot head to eat,ciggs,pot,shit you dont need,gas,bills,shit you dont need ,oh yeah and shit to spoile your kids with because thats the only way you can show them you love them because the only time you want to spend time with them is when there sleeping oh yeah there great then and if there not s;leeping send them to tara she will take care of it NOT ANYMORE if you want to send me home do me the favor and do it!! you bitch about how you need me to get a job but then you never bring me for a piss test now they think im irreasponsible and oh you cant have this job!!!it would have been good money and i could have gotten myself the fuck outta here ON MY OWN instead OH IM TOOOO BUSY FOR THAT OR FIND SOMEONE ELSE WELL GUESS WHAT IM TO TIRED TO WATCH YOUR FUCKING DEVIL CHILDREN FIND SOMEONE ELSE....i want to get a job and i will if thats the last thing i do ...im GOING TO GET A JOB BECAUSE I WANT IT!i wnat my own money and for soem reason running away for this ppsyc. home sounds nice i can go home ill make some money and gety the fuck outta there to!!!!.imma make something of myslef weather someone wants to hel;p me or not>>>>>im not a bad person i came to help you not take over and now all im doing is cooking,cleaning,being a house bitch andf im not ready to be a mother!! i dint push your kids outta my crotrch he shouldnt be callling me mommy i dnt care how much time i spend with them they should not be calling me there mother and thats how i realized there was a MAJOR FUCKING ISSUE HERE!!

ahh i feel better but thats not all but it is for right now cuz my arms are going to die
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