Awesomeness Abounds

Apr 08, 2010 21:30

Yesterday was beyond interesting.  I was waiting for my Kindle as I had it sent to my job.  Five o’clock rolled around & there was still no Kindle.  Obviously, that wasn’t the business, because I was going to a Harvard reception that was from 5-7pm.  I called right at five to UPS to see if I can get it will called but they were telling me the deliverer had to make an attempt before they can do that, and then leave an info notice.  This was problematic because 1.) no guarantee the dude would get there before 7pm; no guarantee I could get the item in will call after I find the info notice; and no, I couldn’t wait to get it the next day because I’m going to be on a train to Miami at 5 in the morning.  So, I called Amazon per UPS’s instructions.  Amazon dude says they aren’t allowed to change the shipping protocols that I have to call UPS.

Lord love a duck, if I were the type to cuss people out, there would be a whole lot of four-letter words right now!  And though I was anxious, I was still polite and firm about what I needed to happen and by when because I paid all that money and did what I was supposed to do in order to get it on time.  However, Amazon dude worked his magic and they were going to will call it for me.  And then I went downstairs to get the phone to put it back on the charger-who rolled up to the door about to leave said info notice?  DELIVERY DUDE WITH MY KINDLE! Excitement abounds, yes.  God is good.  But I’m proud of myself because before, I probably would’ve just said “damn, I’m not going to have my Kindle!”  This time I said oh noes, that’s an early birthday present and I plan to use it on two long-butt train rides and a cruise!

Anyway, Kindle in hand and victorious, I go to the Harvard alumni reception.  And when I walk through the doors, I do a stutter-step-just a swarm of white people.  It took me aback because most of my day is surrounded by black people.  I’d forgotten, somehow, what it was like to be the only black person in the room!  But I shook that disorientation off and made a beeline for the food (I was so hungry, only had lunch the entire day) and got some water because, according to my pedometer, I’d basically walked 7 miles throughout the day).  And the first person I meet there is the president of the Harvard Alumni Association.  LOL, would be my luck, right?  But it was good!  She (and several others) assumed I was a student and I said nope, 5 years removed!  But I told her what I was up to and she seemed so excited about it-being a writer and working at the college.  She said she would keep in touch to talk about public service and what can we do about the dropout rate of students of color in particular (she’s Cuban).  Then I met a woman (graduate of the business school) who 1.) has a daughter named Savannah and 2.) is a nonfiction writer.  So I told her about my journey and maybe what she could do to get started on hers.  She said she was honored to meet me and gave her my card.  Then I met a new admit who was choosing between Harvard & another school-she wants to be a writer too!  Obviously, I talked her ear off and told her-nay, demanded-she keep in touch with me irrespective of what school she ultimately attends.  She also likes to sing and likes gospel, so I did my appropriate Kuumba stump speech.  A guy to whom she was talking when I joined her turned out to be class of ’08 & was in Eliot House just like I’d been!  He’d seemed so excited to see some young Harvard folk (because really, it was he, I, the two new prefrosh, and two other young people who may or may not have been graduates.  I don’t know because I didn’t have a chance to approach them).  So he practically begged for us to go out for drinks at some point and I said definitely!

Y’all, be proud!

The other prefrosh was vacillating between Harvard and another school where she has a free ride and she was concerned about the type of people at Harvard, because Harvard IS intense and often down-to-earth people wonder if they’ll make it work.  I was honest with her and said I didn’t have the best of experiences but that I’m glad I went, etc.  And then the alumni president came back to me toward the end of reception and said “I’m so glad you talked to her-I think you brought her around!”  Glad to do it, but I just want folks to have a much better go at whatever college they attend than I did.  And I also demanded she keep in touch with me.  So I got two mentees probably!

The trippiest thing that happened, though, was I met a couple whose daughter was my year and who lived in the house next to me while at college.   And her father went to Harvard and he was from right up the street from my grandma!  WAT?  World is entirely too small.  They were so excited to meet me.  Their youngest daughter who is at Harvard studies Anthro and is going to be in Charleston doing her thesis on sweetgrass baskets, so I’ll definitely be seeing her.   Even the host of the event, whose dad interviewed my uncle, me and my sis, was talking me and my being an author up to folks and I congratulated him on about to welcome a new baby girl.

I can admit I was nervous when I went to the reception, but I knew it was a chance to challenge myself to see how far of strides I’d made during my Lent project and I’m going to call that outing an A+.  It was good!  So good I called my uncle about it-and if you’ve been around my journal you know how my relationship with him has been.  Yesterday was a good day.

Stayed over with a coworker/friend who gave me a ride to the train station.  The fact I stayed with her is significant because I generally don’t ask people for help/favors, but my godmother told me I needed to start doing so, start relying on the people in my life, because people want to help.  She knows I’m willing to help out people, so why don’t I think I’m deserving of the same courtesy?  As it plays directly into the perception of my self-worth and recognizing I am someone people are willing to help, I sucked up my pride and asked. 2 pts for progress, yes! She twisted my hair, although I may have to redo them because the twists are lose.  Not her fault; the shampoo I used softened my hair too much I think.  We watched The Hangover (it was funny, but not $10 worth of funny, so I’m glad I waited for the DVD experience) and she waited with me at the train station until it was time to board.

One thing about trains-you’ll learn a whole lot about people from their overly loud personal conversations on the phone!  But, I was sitting across from an elder black couple and they’d held hands for about the first three hours of their train ride. ♥  On my Kindle, I downloaded Wench and Dirty Girls Social Club-by two authors I discovered thanks to Twitter.  And, I’m writing.  I know!  Look at me being productive even though I slept a good portion of the train ride as well!

I’ll see  how often I can update and I promise to take photos!  I’m also excited because I reader e-mailed me asking me what books I’m bringing for the book signing tomorrow!  I know I have a fan!  *bounces*

PS-I was looking too cute yesterday and two of my coworkers even said so. I can admit I was a little uncomfortable with the praise, but I was also happy someone else affirmed what I felt about myself.  It was a great feeling!

me, grandma, good things, coworkers, grown, lent2010, family, harvard, 2010, friends

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