Oct 23, 2005 20:06
Some times you find something so wondefully funny you feel the need to share it. This is one of those times. This made me realize I need to stop taking some things about school for granted
The Psycho Mafia: where were you yesterday
The Psycho Mafia: me josh and a group of people went to your apartment and watched robocop
The Psycho Mafia: and you weren't there
agoldenexitxoxo: I'm in buffalo till tommorow
agoldenexitxoxo: hahahaha
The Psycho Mafia: what the hell
The Psycho Mafia: buffalo
The Psycho Mafia: that's not how you spell purchase
agoldenexitxoxo: hahahaha
The Psycho Mafia: what possessed you to go there
The Psycho Mafia: the money
The Psycho Mafia: the drugs
The Psycho Mafia: dancing
The Psycho Mafia: i could give you all that shit
The Psycho Mafia: yesterday i was kissing dudes
The Psycho Mafia: i was kickin mad game to my friend laura
The Psycho Mafia: i saw a girl climb up a tree
agoldenexitxoxo: haahahahahaha
agoldenexitxoxo: your narrative is incredible
The Psycho Mafia: i think it might be the xanax
The Psycho Mafia: i've been in high spirits all day
agoldenexitxoxo: jose I love you
The Psycho Mafia: thanks i love you too
and finally words of wisdom on an ex girlfriend
The Psycho Mafia: one day she made a passing statement about it after she realized that her plans to run off to new orleans with some random guy was, while not conducive to her writing, also bad for her whole "dating" thing she had with me
The Psycho Mafia: i felt bad for about a week
The Psycho Mafia: and then remembered i shouldn't be an idiot