New Chapter! "Don't Say 'I Do' !" Chapter 9 - Never knowing

Jan 07, 2008 00:50

Author: Gabby
Beta: Kirsi (Gabby's Sister)
Rating: R/NC-17
Summary: Never knowing who got caught...

Just to give you all a flash back for your memories...

December 22nd in my story:

During the next few days, Bam had been planning a Christmas parade for Westchester. He tried to find something for Ville for a gift. He knew what he wanted to give him, but that was a part of his 'New Year's Resolution', so it had to wait.
So on December 22nd, Bam left the house to go get a gift for Ville, it was custom made just for him.
As he returned to the house, with bags of gifts, he heard something. After dropping off the bags in his office, he went upstairs, where the noise was coming from. It was from Ville's room. The scene he saw made all his jealousy real....
Bert and Ville wrestling around the room, on their feet, pushing each other back and forth. Bert being the shorter one, Ville winning but giving the younger man the illusion of winning. Then they fell onto the large king size bed. Instead of just laughing and resting, Bert pulled Ville to him. Both men laying on their sides, Bert on his left and Ville on his right. Bert put his right hand on Ville's neck, sliding it under the dark brown curls. Ville's eyes were closed with a smile on his face, as Bert kissed him.

Bam knew he should go, but couldn't turn his eyes away from what he was seeing. Partly cause of curiosity and the rest out of jealousness.

Ville's eyes opened, whether in shock or enjoyment was unknown. The Used's lead singer kissed Ville repeatedly, until Ville sighed. Bert took advantage of that small gap between those plump smooth lips to slip his tongue in. Within moments, the Finn's was fighting for dominance with his own. The missing hands they'd been laying on were now with Ville's in Bert's honey colored hair, while Bert's left arm was holding Ville's waist. Their kisses seemed to keep going. Either dancing tongues, to sucking on them back and forth, to gently tugging on one's bottom lip. After about 5 minutes of kissing, they drew back from each other. With ragged breathing, chests heaving, foreheads resting against one another.
Bam was so surprised with what was said next.
"Wow. That's how you should be described in one word."
With Ville smoothing out the wild parts of Bert's hair, he met his eyes and chuckled.
"Ville, we have a problem."
"What's that sweetheart? What did I do wrong?"
"Nothing, that's what's the problem."
Ville was slightly confused, so Bert grabbed his hand and lead it to his erection. Laying and pressing Ville's hand to the bulge in his jeans, Ville bit his lip.
Bert smiled to Ville. "Se! e, you haven't done anything wrong. Now, do you have the same problem as me?"
Ville nodded slowly. Bert's smile got bigger, showing his white teeth.
Bert proceeded to unbuckle Ville's loose jeans, but was paused by Ville's hand.
"What's wrong? Don't you want this?" Bert's smile faltered.
"Well, to be honest... I've never.... Never done more than give a man a blow job."
Bert laughed, "Well, I have, so I'll let you fuck me any way you want and you can suck me off. How's that sound?"
"But.... I won't hurt you will I?"
An evil smile broke across Bert's face. "Only if I want it to.
"Oh, okay. Here let me do us the honors."
Ville got up, leaving Bert laying down on his bed. He reached down and unbuttoned Bert's jeans. Then dropped to his knees, nuzzling against the knot in the younger man's boxers.

After that, Bam turned his head at last and walked quickly but quietly from the ajar door. He got to his room and began to cry into a pillow! .

End of Chapter 8

Chapter Nine: Never knowing...

Ville had never expected this to go so far. He was grateful to Bert for not pressuring him. He'd kept himself a virgin in the most important part of sex with another man just for Bam. So when Bert seemed understanding and willing to let Ville take over, Ville was more than glad to.

Neither of the guys knew they got caught. Never hearing the sounds from downstairs.
Ville enjoyed the affect he had on Bert. Someone who was experienced, yet willing to be submissive.
Ville pulled on Bert's jeans and boxers, the blonde lifted up his hips to help Ville. Taking and holding a deep breath as air hits his skin. Bert let it out as Ville's hand wrapped around his length. Ville held it lightly, moving his hand up and down it, almost gliding. Bert was caught between wanting to laugh and whimper. Ville chuckled in his deep tones, watching as the younger man squirmed on the mattress. Bert was pressing his hands into the covers, as if he were going to fall or begin to float in the air. Ville bent his neck so that his head was only inches from Bert's member. He leaned in so that he could kiss and nip at the blonde's inner thigh. Ville got to the base of Bert, he kissed it then licked it to the tip. As he reached it, he tasted pre-cum, dipped his tongue into the slit.

Bert moaned and whimpered, his own way of urging the Finn on. Ville took the hint and covered the head with his mouth. Bert had to raise up to watch the luscious lips envelope him. Ville looked up, meeting his eyes, as he squeezed gently on Bert's cock. He moaned and fell back to the bed. Ville sucked lightly at first, increasing his pressure as he slowly bobbed down on the cock in his mouth. He sucked so hard that his cheeks were hollowing out. Bert bucked his hips and let the Finn know that he was close to the brink. Ville reached up with his other hand and slipped it up the other singer's shirt, circling his nipple, then the other. As Ville felt the shudder that went through Bert, He went down on his shaft once more and pinched one of Bert's nipples. The younger man shattered and came with a scream, "Oh Yes!"

As Ville swallowed all he could, some still spilled down his chin. He raised up and off of Bert, smiling. Bert, regrouping and breathing hard and shallow breaths. He sat up and pulled Ville to him, licking his juices off Ville's face. That lead to a five minute fierce and passionate kiss, but it went from kissing each other's mouths to necks and nipping. They broke contact to shed themselves of the rest of their clothing. Bert tossed his jacket and Ville pulled up his shirt over his head. Bert returned the favor and pulled Ville's top off. When Bert reached Ville's pants, he unzipped them and stuck his hand in the dark boxers. As he clenched onto Ville's cock, a growl came from the back of Ville's throat. Enjoying the thoughts in his mind of what that cock could do, Bert moved back and turned over. Offering himself up to Ville, Ville removed his pants the rest of the way. Grateful that his lover wasn't looking at him, so he didn't see his scars on his upper inner thighs. Then he remembered he didn't know how Bert wanted it...

"Sweetheart, do you want me to wear a condom? Use lube? How do you want me to pleasure you?"
Bert laughed, "Remember, any way you want to. You don't need a condom. You already pleasured me most of the way. I like the burn, so you decide."

Ville was unsure how to go about that, after that statement. So he grabbed some lube from one of his bags. He applied some to Bert's entrance and then some to the head of his cock. Getting lined up, he softly pushed in Bert. He didn't stretch the blonde out since he said he liked the pain. Bert was panting, as Ville pushed forward, Bert shoved back, causing the head to enter. Bert sighed loudly, as he pushed back more. Ville grabbed his hips to pause and steady him. Ville wanted to take it slowly, extend the feelings for them both. Ville slid in inch by inch, as hisses left Bert's mouth. Bert tried to push backwards, but as Ville held him still, he bent over and began to lick the lower part of Bert's back, where sweat had pooled. Bert stilled and then shuddered as contact was made. Ville removed his tongue and then kissed some spots, working his way up. By the time Ville reached the back of Bert's neck, he was all entered but a last inch. Which he slammed it in, making Bert's arms collapse and now on his elbows, head in a pillow to silence himself as Ville sucked on his neck and wiggled against Bert. His movement causing the younger man to push backwards. Ville felt Bert's restless energy, so he raised up, pulling almost all the way out. Bert whined, sounding like a sad puppy.

Ville whispered, "Shhh, don't want to get caught. Don't know who's home or not."

Bert grunted and relaxed slightly. Ville let go of his hips, to slide his hands forward, to the front of Bert's body. His right hand going down, tickling his lower waist, the left hand moving up, circling the blonde's nipple. Ville pushed in all the way, but slow and gently.
Bert lifted his head, and said in a desperate voice, "Please,....Faster."
"But I don't want to hurt you."
"I'll tell you, you are the longest I've ever had, but that only means you'll make me feel better when you give it your all. Please Ville."
Ville sighed, slightly surprised, but willing to oblige.
"Okay, you're sure you want that?"
Exasperatedly, Bert says, "Hell yes I do!"

Ville pulls out then pushes in slightly faster, wanting to work up to the fastest and hardest thrusts gradually. Bert moans, then remembers about the others in the house, buries his head into the silk pillow below him.

Ville kissed Bert's neck as he pushed his hair from the beating pulse. Bert began pushing back against Ville's hard sweaty body. Bert reached behind him to grasp Ville's well sculpted hips, pulling him harder and deeper with each stroke. Ville removed his right hand from Bert's hip, reached under the blond to begin stroking his hardened arousal. Ville stroked Bert each time Bert took him into himself. Now that the pace was faster, Bert raised up, making Ville land on his back. Bert was still connected to Ville as they flipped. Now Bert was on Ville's lap, riding him. He'd rotated and was now facing the Finnish Rockstar. Ville was taken aback. With a wicked grin, Bert rode Ville hard, making the bed bounce slightly. Ville let Bert take over, but returned to his sexual attention. Ville didn't just stroke Bert's cock, alternating massaging Bert's balls. Bert's eyes were closed in ecstasy, rolling his hips as he moved up and down on Ville. Bert was getting dangerously close to cumming again. As he was reaching his climax, his entrance tightened and clenched Ville's shaft in mid-stroke. As Bert finished sliding down Ville's cock, Ville exploded inside Bert, pushing Bert to his limit. Bert spilled himself over Ville's toned stomach. Then collapsed next to each other on the full sized mattress.

Both out of breath from their extensive exercises together, Bert reaches to the end-table on his side of the bed, drawing out two cigarettes. He puts one in his mouth, as Ville lights it for him. Ville tried to take the other one to smoke it, but Bert kept drawing it away from him.

Bert shook his head, "No, let me put it in place and light it for you."
So Ville let Bert have his way, handing him the lighter too. After Ville has half of his cigarette smoked, he looks around the room, suddenly feeling naked. he pulls his pants up most of the way. He walks to his door and looks out it, making sure the hallway is clear and empty of anyone. Once he's sure, he goes out into the hall to the bathroom to clean himself up.

When Ville returned to his room, Bert was sound asleep, after changing into his PJs. Ville covered the blonde, not wanting to sleep, headed downstairs.

End of this chapter


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