New chapter to Don't Say I Do!

May 21, 2007 17:29

Title:Don't Say I Do!
Rating: pg-13 to R
Pairing: Missy/Bam and Vam

summary: This is taking place while Bam's Unholy Union was being made.
Where Bam asks Ville to come from Finland. Why would he only invite Ville and not the band of HIM? We'll see...

Don't own anyone, just the story. And a lot of pics!

Sorry for it talking me so long. I'd been working over time. When not doing that, I was helping family... here ya go. thanks for waiting on me.

Chapter 1: Unexpected Company

Chapter 2 : Ville's Dream

Chapter 3: Bam's Party in NYC

Chapter 4: Missy's Devotedness

Chapter 5: Ville's Arrival

Chapter 6: An Unknown Misunderstanding

Bam watched Ville leave the door way. He helps Missy to complete her orgasm, then he jacks off, covering her in his seed. Afterward, he lays beside her, with his back to her, as he curled up to the edge of their bed.

The next morning, Bam gets up, leaving Missy to sleep in. As he walked down stairs, he sees the sleeping occupants. He shrugs about the empty bottles. Going to each of the guys, shakes them awake.

“Hey, you lazy fucks, get up and get out!”
They all rub their eyes, stretching, all but Novak.
“Hey, who thinks thy can lift Novak?” He looks at all of them.
“Hey, let's make it a bet, who ever can get out of here the quickest, can drive my blue Hummer!”

At that, they all get up except Novak. Dico and Jess reached the front door first.
“Looks like we've got us a tie.” Dunn announced as he came in sight of the 'winners'.
“Okay, what to do as a tie-breaker? Any ideas of suggestions?” Asked Bam.
Then he had it, they weren't completely sober with hangovers.
Bam smiles, “I know, I want both of you to run around the castle tow times, run out to the tree top casino, shout from it's roof. Jump done onto the trampoline, to the ground, then back to the castle. Who ever reaches the garage first, gets the keys all day!”
After Laying out the course, he crossed his arms over his chest. The rest of the crew watched and followed Dico and Jess.

Bam doesn't follow. Missy gets up and heads to her Lambo from Bam.
“Bye babe, I'm going to work, then I'll be meeting up with Sarah, then dinner with my mom. I'll see either tonight or in the morning. Love you, bye.”
She kisses his cheek, then leaves.

Bam stays by the hummer. Ville walks out of the house, lights up a fag, inhaling deeply.
Turning to look towards Bam, Ville questioned, “So where are they all of to this morning? Or almost afternoon, I should say.”
Bam smiles at seeing the Finn awake to greet him.
“Oh, they're being entertained by two drunken fools having a contest to get the chance to drive the Hummer.”
Ville nods, “ So, what events are in store for me when they're done?”

Bam shrugs, sitting down on the ground, he patted the area next to him. Ville sat,but not where Bam and meant or wanted him to. Bam scrunches his eyebrows together confusion showing on his face.
“Hey, why the hell are you sitting way over there, Valo?
Ville squints his eyes at Bam. “I'm fine here, Margera. I just wanted room to stretch out my legs.”
And then he does so his feet tapping Bam's lower leg. Bam said, “Knock it off, stop kicking me.”
Ville snarls, “And what if I don't? What then, are you gonna sick the guys or your girl on me? If so, you're out of luck, they'd never hurt me or even trick me for you. HA!”
Ville laughed at Bam. Bam turns his face away from Ville's view so he didn't show his feelings on his face. Missy had once mentioned that she'd seen the lust in his eyes for Ville, it shown when Ville laughed, smiled in a certain way, or hugged Bam. As he faced the other way, he noticed they guys on their way back. Bam stood up, causing Ville's legs to fall to the ground with out any warning.

“Where are you off too, Bammieboy? I don't sit 'right next to you', and you up and leave?”
The singer looked a bit worried as Bam looked back down into a pair of sea-green eyes. Just knowing by his eyes, that something was wrong. Bam could tell by their color, blue was rare, emerald was usually when he was happy, teal was when he was tired or had just woken up, but the light green was when Ville was sad or worried, since he hardly ever gets pissed off.

Bam says in a rush, “No, that's not it, the guys are almost here. I gotta get over to the driveway.”
Bam takes a few more steps, then turns back to look down at Ville again. He extends his arm with his open palm up, “Are you coming?”
The Finn looked up back and forth between Bam's eyes and his outstretched hand.
(Ville)~Would he want to have me with him to even touch his hand? Should I tell him?~
Ville shakes his head, then decides to take Bam's hand. Bam pulls him up, up to his chest, wrapping his other arm under Ville's arm and around his waist. Ville lets himself be hugged tightly to the younger man. Ville's body stiffened, Bam felt the tension, curious, but thought: Better not to know, than have Ville pissed off
Bam releases Ville slowly, but avoids meeting his eyes. He lets Ville go, missing the feeling of warmth from his body. They step away from each other as the others meet up with them.

Dico had won the race, he was more awake now with running in the cool autumn air. Bam seeing the results, handed Dico the keys.
“Here ya go. Good job” The skateboarder looked at his brother, who stood pouting at him.
“Hey now, what's that for? He won, as fair as it can get here at Castle Bam.”
Jess just nodded, then said, “It's okay, I need to get home anyways, I just got off tour and haven't gone home to my wife yet. See ya guys later. I'm off.”
With that, Jess walked to his vehicle to go. Dico jumped a few times then got into the driver's seat. “Who of you are wanting to go with me? Let's go and see the new skate park.”
The rest climbed into the Hummer. Bam waved to them, “Go ahead guys, got some things to do at home. Just be careful with my Hummer!”
He smiled, knowing Dico would take care of it, he turned to walk into the house. The others drove off, Ville walks behind Bam into the house.

Ville had still seemed distant to Bam, so Bam was going to try to find out why or what he may have done to upset Ville.

“Ville, is something wrong? You haven't spoken much in the past hour we've been playing pool. Come on, you can tell me anything, what are best friends for?”
Ville looked up to meet the dark blue eyes staring at him. He opened his mouth as to speak, but the words wouldn't flow from his lips. Bam's eyes had trailed from the piercing green eyes to the luscious lips, watching as the singer licks them out of nervousness. Bam swallows, looking away, so as not to give him self into the images his mind could conjure.
“Nothing is wrong Bammie, why would you think something was?”
Bam shook his head, when Ville didn't want to talk, he'd be stubborn.
“Fine, don't talk about it to me, keep another secret from me.” Bam shrugs his shoulders.
“I'm just the annoying person that wouldn't leave you alone, not until you said you'd be my friend. Now that you're my friend, it's worse than before. Maybe the guys could explain it to me if I called the band back in Finland.”
When it got no reaction out of Ville, Bam thought of another tactic. It was a game, but it crossed a few personal lines between friends.
“What about this, I'll make you a bet?”
Ville believing Bam wouldn't think of anything harmful to him nodded, with a smile. “Sure, what could it be?”
Bam kept his face as blank as possible, “If I can turn you on, then you spill and tell me what's the issue.”
Seeing the Finn's smile fade, he added, “Now, there's no way to get out of this, you agreed whole-heartedly without hearing the rest, that's your fault, deal with the consequences.”
Ville squinted his eyes at Bam, “And what if I don't? Then what?”
Bam smiled, “I guess we'll just have to find out together, won't we?”

They had left the pool table, the game unfinished. Now moved to the living room, Ville being led by his hand to the sofa. Bam stopped himself and Ville, turned to Ville, just gazing at him.
(Bam) If only he knew it was more than a game to me, that this is the only way I can be honest with both of us, but I'm still lying. God, what will he think of me after this?
[Ville restrained himself from smiling at the expression on Bam's face. He hadn't expected the bet that Bam had created. He liked it so much that he couldn't even pretend to be upset, yet he didn't want to seem too eager either. Waiting on Bam's next move, he just kept his attention on the younger man's face.

Bam, never kissed a man before. He was unsure how to go about doing so to Ville. Letting go of the Finn's hand, Bam raised them to cup Ville's face, leaning to him. Their lips brushed, almost feather-like touch. Bam pulled back to survey the older man's face. Ville's eyes were closed, a small grin n his lips. Afraid to lose his chance, Bam starts to kiss him again, coaxing Ville's lips to open to him. Just at that moment, Ville's cell starts to ring. (Ville) Damned thing, I hardly get called when I'm at home, but after I leave, it won't stop!
He pulls away from the skater, not showing an emotions on his face. As he got to his phone, Bam watched him, looking up and down for a sign of Ville's erection. Nothing, nothing he could notice, so he thought he lost the bet.

Ville also thanked the phone he'd cursed as well. After he had a moment to calm down, he realized something. (Ville)What if? If I'd let it go more or farther? He's engaged, in love with Missy. I shouldn't do this, no sexual contact. It took all I could to see Missy or Don Vito to keep myself not aroused! We can't do this again. I can't let my guard down again. Bam isn't safe anymore.

Ville told Bam, “Hei, I'm gonna go out for the day. I'll need you to call me when you're done filming for the show.”
With that, he started for the door.
Bam was confused, “How can you go any where? You don't have a car or anyone to drive for you.”
Ville crossed his arms over his chest, “Actually, I can drive myself. Second of all, I've called and got myself a rental for me during my stay here. I figured everyone would be busy, so I planed ahead.”
Bam's face became crest fallen.
Ville asked, “What's wrong, sad you finally lost a bet? Aww, you'll recover.” Ville said as he stepped out the front doors.

Ville stepped and sat into a dark blue luxury car. He put the key in and started it. As he drove off, his mind shouted at his heart. He just drove for an hour over Pennsylvania. He spotted a gift shop. He pulled into the parking lot of it, entered, then proceeded to walk around the store.

Ville seen things to buy that had Pennsylvania's logo on it, some feminine gifts, and sports stuff. He continue to go around the store. He felt like he was looking for something, but he didn't know what it was. After about an hour, he saw something he liked, walking to it, he smiled. It happened to be a small corner of the shop, carrying HIM merchandise. He'd never bought from his own merchandise before. He looked at it all, trying to recall what Bam didn't already have. As he racked his brain, he finally gave up. Going to the cashier, asking what was the newest HIM product to come in. She pointed and then led Ville to the corner. Up, and on a shelf, she pointed at a rolled up HIM Fleece & Wool blanket. He hadn't seen that earlier, he liked it. Reaching up for it, as he told the cashier clerk thanks. The blanked was dark purple with a black heartagram and saying “HIM” above and below it. He decided to buy it.

Ville Left, driving back near Westchester, but thought it safer if he stayed at a motel, instead of at Bam's. Besides, he still had not received a call from Bam about coming back.

Bam was bored as hell, back at home. They had to make a series at least once a week to two weeks. In two-and-a-half weeks, Christmas would be there. What could he do or get for Ville? Well, he'd have to think about it later, he had a show to be filmed.

End of this chapter.

vam, bambamwolf87

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