my body plays it dangerous

Apr 20, 2010 03:04

I was very ill this weekend. I felt kind of gross Friday night and went to bed. Woke up at 3am and from then on just vomited for like 4 hours. I had a doctors appointment at 8am anyway (on a Saturday, in St. Albert, bleh) and my doctor seemed kinda worried so he sent me to the hospital. They gave me major IV fluids and gravol and morphine over a bunch of hours. I still don’t understand why the morphine, which didn’t even help the pain. And they tested me, but nothing showed up. I continued being sick, although the vomiting mostly stopped. I didn’t go into work, but it was the first day that I’d missed in the 4 months of working there,

My co-worker got sick later that day with similar symptoms. Maybe it was food poisoning from our cooking the day before, maybe a bug, maybe just an attack of my mystery illness. I don’t know, but I feel like ass.

Saturday sucked. Apparently April 17th is like, the day when everyone in the world was born. I knew 7 people with their birthdays that day and was invited to 4 parties. I didn’t know what to fit in. But it didn’t matter since I couldn’t go to anything and just laid sleeping and feeling like death.

I have been put on a new anti-nauseant, a new sleeping pill and a blood pressure lowering medication, which they hope will slow down the way my body is reacting to things. Since I already have good to low blood pressure, it’s dropped considerably. Currently by 20 points to maybe dangerous levels. Oh well.


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