"Obsession" chapter two

Mar 04, 2006 23:44

Well, here's chapter two. I tried to pull for a long chapter like the last one, but some of it still needs some definite tweaking, because I dont feel just right about it yet. Therefore, I didnt include part of it in this chapter and the result is about 1000 words less than Chapter One. I hope you enjoy it regardless!

Title: Obsession
Pairing: Bam/Ryan, Ryan/Stephanie (girlfriend)
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: Foul language, alcohol use, minor angst...not too bad
Disclaimer: I dont own these guys (except for Alice and Stephanie, I created them, they are NOT REAL). Simple as that. This never happened and probably never will.

Ryan is off with a new girlfriend, and Bam misses him like hell. The days creep
closer and closer to Christmas, and still no word from Ryan. One day as
Bam is entertaining himself with some lonesome heavy drinking he
encounters a strange and quiet girl named Alice, a girl whom April would love
to have dating her son. Bam couldn't possibly care less about this
awkward woman, for all he wants is Ryan back at home with him. But just who
is obsessed with who?


Christmas Eve passed like any other day, and before anyone had a chance to realize it Christmas day arrived. Ryan showed up unannounced, and Bam would have been grateful if only he hadn’t brought his girlfriend home with him. This only fed the awesome fury inside of him.

Ryan entered the front door with rosy cheeks and an always welcoming grin. There was a light coating of snowflakes spread about his coat and hat, and Bam could have just kissed the hell out of him right there if that small and dainty woman hadn’t been hanging off his arm. When her eyes finally met his, he gave her his look. The look that made his eyes seem ablaze with smoldering blue fire. Ryan caught it, and his smile slowly died to a bewildered glance from his girlfriend (named Stephanie) to his long-time best friend Bam. And then it was confirmed, when that same look was then turned on Ryan, that Bam was mad at him and he was in deep shit.

Everyone came to greet Ryan and his new girlfriend like they hadn’t set eyes on him in years. There were hugs and pats and unwanted sloppy kisses from Dico, but when Bam turned and left the room without saying even as much as hello to him Ryan pulled away from the crowd and caught up with him halfway up the staircase.

“Hey Bam, what’s your problem?” Ryan asked. He didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but he had felt a little agitated from the wonderful greeting Bam gave him and his girlfriend.

That was not what Bam had wanted to here. He quickly wheeled around on his feet and climbed down the stairs between Ryan and him until they were eye to deadly eye. “You are my fucking problem.” It wasn’t all that original of a comeback, but hell, it was the truth.
“What the fuck did I do?” Ryan retorted desperately. “I just walked in the door and already you’re pissed at me!”

“Yeah, exactly.” Bam responded quietly, the anger in his voice had died and been replaced with something Ryan wasn’t familiar with when speaking to Bam. “You just walked in.” and with that he quietly turned away and up the stairs leaving a bewildered and desperately confused Ryan behind him.


Ryan wasn’t all too sure why he was being punished, or what he was being punished for, but he felt awful regardless. Such was the way of Ryan Dunn. He didn’t like his friends to be mad at him, for some reason especially Bam. It wasn’t just that Bam was one hell of a scary bastard when he was angry, but also because he loved Bam dearly and hated it when Bam rejected him. They had not just been best friends forever, but they had always seemed to be so much more. Not brothers, exactly, but something more special than friends. This he could never share with Stephanie or anyone else because he guessed that it would not really make much sense to anyone but him.

Regardless, even though Stephanie was by his side all night and looking very welcoming he simply pondered over and over in his mind what he may have done to anger Bam. When he looked up and caught Bam staring at him in a very strange manner, a look almost mixed with ache and despondency, he got up off his ass and pulled Bam away from the party to talk.

“Bam, what’s up?” Ryan asked thoughtfully.

Bam just stared at him for a minute, either not wanting to talk or not knowing what to say. Truthfully, he was afraid of sounding like some insecure, bitchy girlfriend. “You didn’t even bother to fucking talk to me for like two months.” Bam answered quietly, his eyes beginning to smolder again with remembrance.

“Well, I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would bother you. And I would have let you know that I was coming down, but I…wanted to surprise you.” Ryan trailed off. Bam shrugged as they both seemed to be studying their shoes like they had nothing better to do. “Okay?” Ryan looked back up at Bam with raised eyebrows and quite possibly the lamest puppy-dog face ever, all to make Bam smile. It worked, even though Bam tried to extinguish the grin soon after it broke out. He nodded.

“Hey, lovers!” Raab shouted brusquely as he appeared from around the corner, making them both flinch with surprise. “You guys need to find another make out spot, this one sucks ass.” He said as he studied the room.

“What the fuck do you want ass-wipe?” Bam asked, now sporting his famous crooked grin that meant mischief.

“Ape’s looking for you, Bam. Says a girlies here to see you.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively. Bam frowned, not really sure who the hell would be here to see him, especially of the opposite gender. He turned to Ryan and shrugged, and then they followed Raab back down the stairs and into the living room.

“Bam! Get your butt down here!” Ape yelled just as Bam appeared at the bottom of the stairs. The first thing that he saw when he entered the room was the somehow familiar but still unfamiliar rosy-cheeked face of a pale woman standing by the door with her coat still on. The girl waved at him timidly as he tried to figure out where the hell he had seen her before.

“Bam, this is Alice.” Ape announced a little too giddily. Bam gave a slow and unsure nod which was followed by an uncomfortable silence. “She helped me drag you home the other night when you passed out at that bar.” Ape offered (sounding quite a bit less friendly when she realized Bam didn’t even remember the girl). “If it wasn’t for her than you probably would have froze to death out there, or something.”

Bam turned to Ape and received a pushy and forceful glance demanding some sort of action on his part. So, awkwardly, he picked up the small, fragile hand of Alice and shook it briefly. “Thanks.” Alice somehow got even redder in the cheeks than she already was and nodded quietly. The un-relenting insistence of Ape, the small green eyes of Alice, and the white-hot stares of the entire room focused on only them made Bam feel increasingly uncomfortable. What did Ape want? For him to sweep this small and sheltered girl off her feet and marry her ass?

Behind Bam stood Ryan, who also felt a sense of discomfort. It was obvious from the glowing in this strange girl’s eyes that she had a thing for Bam, and April was not very good at hiding the fact that she was basically trying to force this girl on her son. Bam, also very noticeably, was not the least bit interested. It almost seemed that he pitied the girl named Alice. Yet another uncomfortable silence ensued, and that was when Dico decided to begin singing Christmas carols very loudly and not the least bit correctly. With that, the tiny and almost non-existent girl was forgotten and the boys were all pulled back into their own little world of misbehavior and hilarity. Someone poured a beer down Dico’s pants, and the war was on.

“Oh my god,” April muttered as she let herself fall backwards into an overstuffed chair. Around her food flew, drinks were spilled, and bouts of laughter were muffled with pillows and other inanimate objects. Alice kept her stance by the door with her coat still on, in the midst of it all and looking absolutely lost.

“I’m really sorry!” April tried to yell to Alice over all the uproar. Somewhere behind her was the unmistakable sound of glass shattering. Alice shrugged. Perhaps she wasn’t all too attracted to this…Bam Margera after all. Was he not just an immature child in a man’s body? But still, as she stood there feeling completely foolish for even showing up, her eyes found the smooth, exquisitely chiseled chest of a shirtless Bam, and desire swallowed her whole.


April insisted that Alice stay for dinner, so reluctantly she accepted the invitation. Of course, dinner was just as eventful as the scene that took place earlier, for the war had not ended. Alice studied everyone around her, not speaking a word. She let her eyes fall on the strange-looking Dico (who was staring at her with wide-eyes to make her uncomfortable) the over-zealous Raab, the laid back Ryan, The tiger-grinned Bam, and one pissed-off April. There were other characters there as well, like an alarming and overweight man from which an endless stream of unintelligible babble flowed, and a smug looking man in nothing but slutty cut-off jean shorts and a painted on tuxedo shirt. Truthfully, a lot of the food didn’t even get eaten, as it ended up on the clothes of all the boys. Alice tried hard not to stare too long at Bam, but something about him drew here eyes that way. When he spoke, even though he was not speaking to her, she turned to him to watch. He had such a curious look about him, this Bam Margera. His mouth was almost crooked when he spoke and smiled, and when he grinned his eyes blazed with disobedience. She found herself wanting to know him.

Having watched Bam all night, one thing she noticed above all was how much of Bam’s attention was directed to Ryan Dunn. If he had a joke to crack, Ryan would be his audience. If he had a friendly prank to pull, Ryan would be the receiver. And Ryan, in return, would turn away from his girlfriend and accept every bit of attention with a welcoming grin. Somehow, something close to jealousy seem to be forming deep inside her.


Bam snuck as quietly as he could from behind the couch that held a sound asleep Ryan, as his dangerous grin grew bigger with each step. He stepped closer and closer until he reached the back of the couch and could look down at Ryan, seeing him sleeping silently and looking almost angelic. Then, suddenly, he flung himself over the side and landed on top of Ryan harshly, startling him out of sleep. Ryan confusedly tried to look behind him, as he was sleeping on his belly, and laughed when he saw Bam smiling back as he lay on top of him.

“What are you doing?” Ryan asked with a chuckle.

“I’m trying to watch TV, dumbass,” Bam said matter-of-factly with a grin, digging underneath Ryan for the remote control. He found it and casually flipped through the channels.

Ryan laid his head back down as if he was going to go back to sleep like that, and shut his eyes. For a moment, everything was silent, and then Ryan asked, “Why do you hate Stephanie so much?” He peered up at Bam through a tired eye.

Bam shrugged, trying to act casual. How would a normal friend act in this situation? He wasn’t really sure, as he had never been a normal friend to Ryan. The whole confrontation began to make him feel a little nervous.

“I think she’s dumb.” He finally answered.

“But you don’t even know her!” Ryan responded, sitting up as Bam crawled off of him.

“Well, she looks dumb.” Bam retorted, eyes fixed on Ryan’s face and not really offering much emotion.

“What?” Ryan sighed, beginning to get a little agitated. “What the hell does that mean?”

“It means what the hell it sounds like it means!” anger was noticeably rising in Bam, and his eyes warned Ryan to drop the subject.

Ryan sat there for a second, taking in what Bam said and waiting for a better explanation. “Whatever. I’m going to bed.” He mumbled as he pulled himself up and left the room. Bam sulkily threw himself back into the cushion and crossed his arms over his chest. He sighed, and then turned to watch Ryan disappear up the staircase.


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