Dec 26, 2005 20:59
Christmas was terrible, I'm not even lying I'm not going to get into it because I hate it, and I had such a total sigh of relief today because it's OVER SO EFFIN OVER FOR ANOTHER YEAR
I love that feeling...
I've been battling with myself alot lately, you know how it goes I seem to always gets into these little slumps every winter, and it drags on for long periods of time. Aw depression, it's sad when you can seriously come out and admit that I do indeed have a problem with my depression, but like I mean it's pretty much seasonal. I don't want to go on meds either, never again EVER.
Work is going alright, only alright, I actually hate it. But it's going to be the new year soon, oh 2006 you better treat me well. I'm going to try to go to the dark side called call centers. I live near there, not to mention it's 9-10 an hour, so worth it. Today my manager told me that I was going to become a trainer, well they should've thought about that when they were making some girl who was at BK for three months a manager which I had tons more experience then her. Stab me in the back then try to win me over with giving me a promotion, hopefully there's a raise on that too...... but who cares because I'm just going to come right back at them and stab them in the back (but in a good way so there's no hard feelings" but SEE YOU LATER BK....
the place I live has a 14 year old preppy girl living upstairs(i live in their basement), it makes me oh so happy not to have a sister, one hilarious thing that she said yesterday to her little friend on the phone "OMG you don't know what Abercrobie and Fitch is? OMG, WTF?! are you serious? YOU CAN'T BE! They're stuff is like TOTALLY RAD! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS!"
no joke, exact words
I laughed and laughed and laughed. Her friends come over and bitch about their friends, on christmas her friend was here and her friend was all pissed because their other friend got an AE sweater "OMG I fucking hope that she didn't ask for that, and it better not be friggen brown either or I'm going to be so pissed, why does she want everything like me, god I hate her " Here's a thought kiddie, don't buy anything from AE because all you're little chiche will have it. There's no being different, you just want to seem better.
Pretty much I have zero plans for the Christmas break, I don't work nights anymore so it would be nice to get out and actualy do something for a change, so if you're on my friends list, maybe you don't even talk to me much anymore then we just defiently hang out. I need something to cheer me up. I really need something. So I'm reaching out to you guys, alright? Because honestly it would be nice to just hang out with SOMEONE, anyone who is tell me what's up, it's going to make me feel a little bit better.