Dec 10, 2005 23:56
Okay so how would you feel that this guy that you were somewhat seeing then you offically "broke up", started seeing other people, and decided that you would keep in contact as best friends in hope that someday that you would end up being together, SOMEDAY.
Then he wants to get a tattoo, the same star that's on our matching bracelets, after I had gotten the same one. Alright weird right? Getting a tattoo that the same as someone else, and it means alot. Kinda sketchy right? But like I mean it's not like he's putting my name on himself or anything *laughs*
Suddenly, after he thinks about it, thinks about what he wants to do for tattoos..... I talked to him tonight and asked him if he really wanted to get that tattoo and if he is actually going to get it. he says yes, but has a better idea on what he wants. He wants a good/evil theme for his tattoos since he wants to get a back peice done and half sleeves. So he's now getting two stars on each wrist, and since I have the tattoo on my right he's going to have "Mal" tattooed below the right one, then on the other wrist he's going to get "Bien", he's french so this is what he wants, mal= evil, bien= good. You know how it goes. Pretty much what he said was that his right wrist has just double meaning, the star then the short form of my name, then "mal" for evil (no relation to me he says) I thought he was joking, like i mean, how could I NOT think he was joking? So we're going to have the same star on the same wrist except the fact that he's going to have "Mal" below his.
What if I moved to Ottawa and met his girlfriend. "Hi I'm Mallory, I have the same tattoo as your boyfriend, it just happens that one of the tattoos on the same wrist has the short form of my name on it, no big deal"
I don't know I just find it really really really weird, sure he's going to get the good/evil thing, it's just that he's thought about it, and included my name into it, and the same tattoo as me. Just the thought he even wants to make his right wrist have double meaning. It kinda makes me want to get sick....
I'm a little shocked....