Well, if last post had a torrent of change to back it up, this one has a frickin' avelanche.
Since the last time I've posted, I have seen a LOT change about my life. One major one can be seen just by looking at my profile picture. Yeah... thats me! It was quite the experience going to get it lopped off, and me and my hair shared one last day together. We went down to the circle, sat by the fountain, admired the old style buildings around it, enjoyed our favorite Arizona Iced Tea together, and then shared a tear-filled goodbye before I walked into COBA beauty academy and asked the nice young indy girls to do the barbarous deed. I guess I was quite the novelty, or they were just having a slow day, as I had about nine girls clustered about offering advice.
I like it. It took a few days, but I really do think it was a positive change. I didn't really have a reason to keep it long anymore, except to be different and noticeable. But such an obvious gesture to be different goes against my personal philosophy, as I feel that "anti-conformity" (doing something because it's NOT what everyone else is doing) is the same as "conformity", in the same way I believe Athiesm to be as much of a Faith as Christianity. I'm different because I'm different. I do what I want and don't worry too much about what other people think about my choices, I don't make choices just because it is or isn't what everyone else is doing. So now I have the hair in a small baggy in my room. I'm going to make a voodoo doll out of it so I can make myself do things. It'll be great.
The new look has gotten quite positive reviews so far as well! I have even been referred to as a hotty! People haven't recognized me and even a couple awkwardly flirting with me until realizing exactly who I am. Weird! I think the hair plus some nice weight loss might serve me well, lord knows, I need an ego boost in that department!
In other news, there has been some strange stuff going on with people from my past. It's been really bizzare. I don't want to go into too many details, but it has been... cathartic. Regardless, the entire thing is very temporal.
As well, Quinn's Xbox 360 is slowly detonating, which is a crime, as he just got some games that I would very much like to devote entirely too much time to.
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians has started up! It's going to be a great run of a REALLY fun show! I'm a relatively minor part, and unfortunately not one of my shining achievements as the part is mostly exposition, but I'm still proud of it and have found a few ways to make the characters I play memorable. However, there are some STELLAR performances in this show, and I garauntee cheesey hilarity to all comers. Check out:
http://www.mavericktheater.com/ for details! Try:
http://www.goldstar.com/ for ticket discounts!
Am I partying too much these days, or not enough? I never really had my "wild phase", and am starting to think that I need and deserve one. Therefore I shall party on, Wayne.
I need classes to teach! If this automated system CONTINUES to not call me I will have a hernia. Ryan needs RENT.
I should NOT have had that cup of tea around midnight. I am WAY too awake!
I shall post again soon! I"M OUT!!!