
Aug 31, 2011 23:50

Что касается вопроса, то на самом деле совместно с ФСБ и сотрудниками полиции проводилось мероприятие. Была информация о том, что бандиты готовятся провести несколько терактов в Грозном и была известна численность бандгруппы.

При задержании первого террориста при нем оказался так называемый пояс, начиненный взрывчаткой, и после того как сотрудники полиции остановили его, он подорвал себя. Участники операции, естественно, пытались задержать бандитов живыми, чтобы распутать всю цепочку и предать их суду.

По оперативной информации, за этими терактами стоят братья Гакаевы, а в основном мы знаем, что за всем этим стоит Умаров.

Второй брат вчера сделал то же самое. В Грозном его остановили и когда начали досматривать, он подорвал себя.

Ramzan Kadyrov press conference

Now it's easy to comment while sitting comfortably at home, but a couple of things need to be highlighted .

At a meeting with Gen. Alkhanov, soon after the double operation in Shali and Vedeno, Ramzan had clearly stated that in any sort of confrontation with terrorists, police should have shot to kill, without any hesitation .
And this of course makes perfectly sense, because showing uncertainty with armed people, would just put in danger the life of the police officers .
It would be great though, to have them in court, to see them alive behind bars .
But in such moments any outcome is unpredictable .

The issue here, evolves around the dynamic . 
The account given by Kadyrov has some flaw because it doesn't explain how possible, a group of men who were investigating and ready to capture the extremists, could be so relatively easily massacred .
According to the official version they probably found them and were asking to surrender .
But if everything had been calculated, how comes they were caught by surprise by a second and then third suicide bomber ?
If one of the guys involved was the brother of the guy who perpetrated an attack at the theatre last year, he should have been well known and his moves followed by now .
In my opinion, the version given by kavkaz, Umarov propaganda site, claiming that there was no operation, rather a calculated assault , is closer to the truth .
I think, and still I am in the field of the speculations, that there was no operation or an operation gone wrong .
Which brings me straight to the second point .
Here at some level, someone is not doing his job properly .
If true that Kadyrov surrounds himself with loyal people, specially in regard of security, then the trap was possible because of mistakes done by police officers in low ranks .
If these people are still free to go around town with explosives, there must be something to fix .
And Kadyrov reference to the fact that the whole thing had been supervised by the FSB, might be an hint .
What is missing here also, is a group of specialised people tracing the profiles of terrorists, the groups to whom they belong, the way they move and operate , the way they think .
In other words, they lack intelligence .

It comes natural to think the Gakayev organised the attack as revenge but sounds strange that Umarov made a long speech interview the day before .
It might be a sign that each one is going his way despite reassurences of loyalty .
Hitting one of the two parties more strongly, would authomatically weaken the other, because Gakayev men would not follow Umarov so easily .

terrorism, chechnya

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