As the caul of unemployment and subsequent denial of reality sloughs away from my face, I find myself enjoying rather unique experiences in the world; quirks that a week or so ago might have gone unnoticed, or better yet enraged me, and now just make me chuckle and add it to the list. Today, it was a pigeon crossing Mission Street with a bumbling, bobbing, surprisingly human little waddle, and the experience of being in downtown San Francisco from 8:30am to about 10:00, and watching people seemingly materialize out of nowhere, filtering into this giant, ill-colored mass of tourists that I couldn't seem to pick my way through without nearly running into anything. Because this is unusual.
I was downtown, I should note, because I was renewing my Gigantic Woman card at Lush with the purchase of another bottle of shower gel. I cannot tell you how much better my shower was. Okay, power-walking the long way around from the BART station to my house, also felt really good (there is a nice, relatively level walk from Balboa Park to my house that I infinitely prefer to the Daly City walk; ah well).
Speaking of power-walking, I am renewing my old and broken New Year's resolutions, and trying to get healthier. I like/liked being less heavy, and I am trying to get back there. Plus I just feel better about myself when I eat reasonably well. My goal is veggie-rich rice dishes, salads, high-protein/low-carb, low on the soda intake, etc. We will see how well I do with this, with free bagels and donuts on Wednesdays and a huge cooler full of soda (though discovering I might have some physical issues with something in Diet Cherry Coke certainly reduces certain desires), but I am optimistic--I am especially considering the efficacy of owning a bike for when I move to the Peninsula and need to make a two-mile trip from a Caltrain station to get to work. That will help immensely with health, I think, though it'll take getting used to, say...traffic laws again. And owning a dorky-looking helmet what is for keeping my brains inside.
Also, writing. Writing writing writing. I am currently cranking out a huge number of words, I think an average of about 1,000 a day, not including emails, notes, LJ posts, etc. I am trying to get Done With Mirrors into the shape I want, before I start looking for people to read it and tell me it doesn't suck. (Well, unless it does. Which it doesn't. I don't think. I hope.)
I sit here now, lazing and debating an hour's worth of nap or meditation or something, before I go off to a potluck-y/dinner-y sort of party thing at
heliocide's new place, and probably knock back the last Fat Tire or two until I set in on a week-long personal temperance to counteract some recent debaucheries. Or I may write or play Kingdom of Loathing. I have not yet given myself a day off from writing this week, and I feel like I could certainly deal with having one, though I'll bet you that come seven o'clock tonight or so I'll be scratching away with pad and pen in a corner and praying I can recall the chemical fervor when I get back to my home keyboard. Bleh. So sleepy. So sleepy I've suffered from severe adjectival erosion, and a series paucity of wordplay in the later paragraphs.
In short, life has started to fail to suck. The next step is saving a little money, a step at which I've already gotten some headway made, and then trying to find a roommate down on the Peninsula (which I may have, I am just not sure about our ability to coordinate movings and house-huntings and the like). I had a rough few months there, but I think, and I hope, that I have finally found my way to something approximating a pleasing state of affairs. So, yay.
(Knock on wood.)