Nov 08, 2016 11:33
#govote !!
Exercise your rights!
I'm hugely political, and I hate that about myself, especially since politics are so decisive and politics have ripped my friends and family apart. Being from Texas, I often find myself surrounded by Republicans. As a Democrat, I have learned to live with this sad fact. They're like cockroaches in my family. "Grandma's a Republican now? When did that happen?!" I'm pretty sure my older sister is a Republican, or at least - on the fence. I have an aunt who is a vocal Republican and 24/7 Fox News watcher. Thankfully, my own parents and little sister are Democrats. So yeah, we are all over the place. The important idea that I wanted to impart, though, is that our forefathers and ancestors fought for our rights to vote. If you don't exercise that right, you are pretty much throwing away the decades and centuries of battles that we fought for in order to live in this country and have a voice to be heard. I also think about minorities, such as myself - lgbt, females, and other minorities - I feel it's especially important that YOU vote. What better way to be heard than let your vote speak volumes. And every vote is important - no vote is a wasted vote - as long as you truly believe in your heart you have made the right choice, that's all that matters.
voting day,
be heard