I now know what having "the fear" truly means.....

Apr 22, 2009 14:33

I always usually get the "fear" when writing essays- it helps motivate me, and stay ahead of my work. But this is different. It is more an all consuming terror, than fear. I am 8500 words into my 12000 word dissertation that I have to hand in next Friday. I cannot sleep. I keep worrying that I have buggered up all the assignments that I have handed in. All last night, I dreamt about Archaeological Illustration, and how much I will have failed. Not fun. So I turned back to livejournal.  Sooo many words and sources to read before next thursday. I am really trying hard to remain calm. I feel like sweep, from sooty- you know when he panics and runs back and forth squeaking. It would be better than sitting here worrying!

FAIL Dissertation. FAIL. The really, incredibly stupendously ironic thing is - exam term will be my least stressful term ever -as I only have one exam! WTF? Seriously, Uni, sort your lives out.

Back to the grindstone now. I am, however massively looking forward to three things:

The Apprentice and Charlie Brooker this evening,

Seeing Jacob again

Not having to do dissertation.

Things I am NOT looking forward to: Handing in dissertation. They will have to prise it from my hands. I will only accept bribes in the form of cookies. From David Tennant. Or Douglas Henshall. I am slightly flexible on this matter.

Much Love,

Me xx xx
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