My office is close enough to the White House that some co-workers and I braved the crowds to catch a glimpse of the Popemobile yesterday. The crowds were huge! Vendors sold Pope t-shirts, flags, and other memorabilia. Across the street from where I was standing, a group of people carrying a pro-Pope sign were in a battle with a solitary man carrying a "You will all burn in hell" sign. They were trying to block each others' signs. It was actually kind of funny, since the crazy "burn in hell" guy was vastly outnumbered.
The Pope drove by a lot faster than I thought. As the motorcade drove by, people sang songs and cheered. A few people with microphones shouted positive things, and the anti-Catholic protesters were drowned out. The part of the car that the Pope was in was high up, so I had a good view of him as he waved to the crowd. It was a good experience, since I might never see another Pope. I was either a very small baby or not born yet when Pope John Paul II visited.
The anti-Catholic protesters bothered me. These people weren't protesting the child abuse scandal or the Church's reaction, they were just spewing hate for the Catholic religion, and insisting that their particular brand of Christianity is the only true religion. I don't see why people have to try and ruin a spiritual experience.
Today is my 4th wedding anniversary. :) To celebrate, we're going to
Proof for dinner tonight. We've wanted to go for months, but other stuff came up or we couldn't get reservations. But, we're finally going!