Oct 03, 2012 22:00

8.01! )

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Comments 24

killabeez October 4 2012, 02:13:12 UTC
You know, for years at this point, I have been using your insta-reactions as indicators of whether or not I should watch, drink while watching, or skip. I'm more grateful than I can say! So, yeah, skipping. Possibly forever. (I reserve the right to go back on this if a Soulless!Sam-type thing happens later this season.)


balefully October 4 2012, 02:21:10 UTC
Normally when people used to say that sort of thing I'd always be like "NOOOO IT WILL BE OKAY WATCH ANYWAY!!!" but honestly I'm not sure it's worth it to watch it at the moment. Probably wait a bit and see how it pans out and watch it all in a lump later when you can just zip through the whole season and not drag it out if it's horrible, you know? I will still watch every week because I am cold enough towards SPN at this point that it isn't twisting the knife anymore, yet there is still a little spark of hope in my soul that it will turn out okay or they will do something that makes it a worthwhile use of my time to watch ( ... )


killabeez October 4 2012, 02:25:01 UTC
Thank you for elaborating! I honestly didn't expect any better, but I really do appreciate that I can rest secure in the knowledge that not-watching is the way to go, at least for a while. My only possible reason for watching was if the Sam/Amelia thing was somehow surprisingly good, but it sounds like that's not even a concern, so, you know. Question answered. :)


balefully October 4 2012, 02:27:07 UTC
Apparently Amelia is the vet, who I legit hated without even realizing she had anything to do with anyone. She like bullied Sam into keeping this dog he hit with his car, which is fucking insane and not something any vet worth their salt would ever do.


sailorstarshine October 4 2012, 02:17:22 UTC
SQUEE! :) after I read your review I feel more ready to watch this new episode. \o/


balefully October 4 2012, 02:43:40 UTC
Great!! Glad to be of service :D


percysowner October 4 2012, 02:40:13 UTC
Yes, Amelia is the vet. That was so unrealistic. A real vet would have been grateful that Sam brought in the dog and even happier if he paid the bill. This is a well taken care of dog. She couldn't even wait to see if an owner came by to claim it?

Sam having no reason to not look for Dean made no sense. It physically hurts me it's so OOC. I went through Sam, the bad brother, in season four and I understood and sympathized. I don't think I do that this time. Dean is being a jerk too, but I understand that he is hurt that Sam didn't even TRY to find him. I honestly don't know if I can keep watching or not. So, so depressed right now.


balefully October 4 2012, 02:45:43 UTC
IT WAS!!!! WTF WTF WTF. She has no idea what kind of person Sam is, for all she knows he'll abuse the dog, and the fact that he lives on the road is a COMPLETELY VALID REASON NOT TO TAKE THE DOG, WTF IS SHE THINKING. Also if you accidentally hit a dog it DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BAD PERSON WHY WOULD YOU GUILT HIM FOR THAT. What. The. Fuck.

I agree, it didn't make any sense. I honestly have no idea what story purpose that even serves.


jackien1968 October 4 2012, 06:33:28 UTC
And if she does think Sam is such a terrible person, why the fuck would she want him taking care of this dog, on the road, in whatever kind of strung-out lifestyle led this guy who obviously cares about animals to fail to protect one from his car.

And, yeah, the dog wasn't mangy, why assume he has no owner just b/c he has no collar and got loose into the street. And wouldn't he be better off in a shelter than schlepping around in a car while recovering from broken bones?

I'm hoping Sam couldn't look for Dean b/c he's psychotic, and hit the dog b/c he's psychotic, and remembers the encounter w/ the vet inaccurately b/c he's psychotic (and that her acting doesn't look so insipid through the eyes of any sane character, wtf). And then I want our sweet Sammy to get well and sane and secure and all those good things.

Another thought: Sam's psychosis could explain why he thinks Dean said, or would ever say, "our deep and abiding love for each other." PLEASE be a Tall Tales type of thing...



counteragent October 5 2012, 13:40:58 UTC
LOL. Yes, Dean would NEVER SAY THAT WTF!!!!? If I read that "love" line in a story as a beta, I'd slash and burn it and insist the author listen to me. Something I never do, because it's bad beta behavior. :)


runedgirl October 4 2012, 03:28:00 UTC
I rather hated the vet/gf too....which doesn't bode well, does it? I'm struggling to try to find my way to accepting Sam's not looking for Dean, I heard what he said, but it came across pretty lame. But damn, they both looked good. Shallow, I know :)


sandycub October 4 2012, 03:49:46 UTC
I agree with the total OOCness of Sam not even looking for Dean and not even explaining it. I kept waiting for Sam to say something! I still have lots of love and hope for the boys and the season. The vet was horrid and I kept waiting to see what Sam might see in her...

I must have missed the part where Sam got a call from Dean, i couldn't figure out why he showed up at the cabin just then- thought he said he ditched all his phones. But i guess he ditched them and yet paid the bill since Dean could still access the voicemail. Details.


karaz October 4 2012, 04:17:07 UTC
Yeah, I was confused about him ditching the phones but still having them in working order too.


jackien1968 October 4 2012, 06:20:36 UTC
Well it looked like he ditched the phones in a cardboard box at the cabin that Dean pulled out and started going through. The phones stay paid up and charged via the same magic that keeps John's old storage lockers paid up in perpetuity.

Sam didn't get a call from Dean. He was pleasantly surprised to find Dean at the cabin. He must have been checking the cabin at some prearranged interval. I guess they agreed to meet there if they got separated, around the same time they promised not to search for each other? Bit contradictory...



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