Blog 2: Dream Journal

Aug 03, 2009 16:50

Lately, I've been having weird dreams and I was advised to keep a journal and write them down if I had a dreams. I tried to figure out what some meant. There are still some that I have not sloved yet. I'm not worried but things happen for a reason. One of my dreams I had invovled my friends. I had arranged to meet them for lunch. As I was walking, the ground collasped. Lava and fire came from the ground. I jumped to avoid it. After I recovered from the collisoon, there was a dark figure that stood before me. It pointed at me and turned its back, suddenly it tured around and threw a dark ball toward me and knocked me back. I woke up. I realized the dark figure in my dream represented the negativity in myself. It pushed me back since I tried to change myself from being negative. I had the same dream but I solved it and confronted the dark figure. It tried to tell me that its pointless changing what I've become. I asked it "Why do you prevent me from progressing?" It said "You bitterness and anger keep me growing. Your bestfriend notice you changed since you and her where not friends anymore. You don't realize it but you bitterness and anger are you greatest weapons in life." After I heard it's answers, I walked to it and said "You're nothing but a leech." It grabed my arm and I slammed it to the ground. I asked for its true identity and it was myself. like looking through a mirror that has your anger traped inside. I told it "I'm in conrol and you're just a tool." It disappeared and I woke up. I over came my trial.

dream journal

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