My sincerest apologies, Tenth

Aug 04, 2009 11:29

I'd like to thank everyone who put up with/helped my younger self during the past week I was under my curse. To anyone who I may have annoyed, you have my sympathy. It will never happen again.

Fujiko, I hope you fucking had fun. I'm never smoking with you again. Miranda, what the hell is this? and this?!

A few items I ordered a few weeks back have arrived. I'll be in my room letting off some steam. Unless you're the Tenth, Reborn, or another Guardian, please keep as far away from me as possible or else suffer my dynamite.

[ooc note: this is the note before he threw a bitchfit: here]

[character] colonello, [character] tsuna, !mallowmateys, [character] lavi, [character] fay~, [character] smoker, [character] toboe, [character] lal mirch, [character] elphaba, [character] mashiro, [character] reborn, [character] fujiko, [character] nel, [character] haru, [character] james, [character] leo, [character] usopp, [character] orpherus, [character] rinali, [character] pearl, [character] deidara, [character] miranda

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