Živa Smrt - Living Death

Jan 21, 2008 12:08

Još jedna pjemsa Antuna Gustava Matoša. Odlučio sam da ću prevesti još jednu njegovu pjesmu, te sam pustio Nera da odabere koju hoće. Odlučio se za ovu, jer ga je privukla riječ 'smrt'. Tako je Homer Simpson krivo napisao riječ 'smart' u jednom nastavku crtića, pa mu je zapelo za oko. Nije da imao puno veze sa našim značenjem te riječi.

Živa smrt

Imao sam srce, djetinjasto srce,
Srce koje boli, boli tako jako!
Imao sam srce, bolno, bolno srce,
A kada mi ode, nisam više plako.
Bijah skoro sretan. Ali jedne noći
More bolno srce-jedno ptiče malo,
Našlo me u mraku, više glave stalo
I sitnu mi pjesmu sitno cvrkutalo:
-Godinu već dana, svake božje noći
Služim ko trubadur jednoj dami nagoj,
Usnulu joj dušu čudnim krajem vodim
U ljubavnoj priči i mjesečini blagoj.
Ali sinoć-jao!-gatalica presta,
Pa ko repatica pade mi na grudi:
Ja sam, braćo, sinoć vragu dušu dao,
O, umrije mi, umrije moje srce, ljudi!


Here's another poem written by Antun Gustav Matoš. I decided to translate one more of his poems, so I let Ner to choose which one would it be. Ner decided to go with this one, drawn by the word 'smrt'. That's how Homer Simpson misspelled the word 'smart' in one of the episodes of the Simpsons, so that's how it caught his attention. Not that it has much to do with our meaning of the word.

Living Death

I had a heart, a childish heart,
A heart that ails, ails oh so much!
I had a heart, ailing, ailing heart,
But when it left me, I hadn't cry'd
I was almost happy. But one night
Pains the ailing heart - a little dickeybird,
Found me in the dark, and flew above my head
Tinily chirping a tiny song:
-For a long year now, each and every night
I'm a serving troubadour to one bare lady,
Guiding her dreaming soul through a strange land,
In a love story and caressing moonlight,
But last night -alas!-the singsong stopped
Like a comet, falling to my chest:
Last night, brothers, I've given my soul to the devil,
Oh people, diedst, diedst my heart!

languages, poetry

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