Grandparents Analysis

Oct 02, 2019 16:04

This came up when ‘Sanji’ posted about his grandmother. He loved her so much and she loved him back. I looked at mine (none of them are left because I am now their age) and did some reflection.

Maternal Grandmother refused to teach me anything and she was an incredible cook! Sure, I was less than six years old but that is a prime time to learn things - when the brain is still malleable! She did not want me underfoot, ever.

Maternal Grandfather loved me unconditionally. He was the only positive man in my life until I met my one and only.

Paternal Grandmother probably would have been wonderful but she lived hundreds of miles away and I cannot picture her at all. She did occasionally write to me and she made me the most incredible Barbie clothes ever!

No Paternal Grandfather in my memory.

Step-Paternal Grandmother did not care about kids, even her own blood. She wanted to play Bridge instead and let her kids run wild. I always felt barely tolerated, even though I was was the quietest one of that ridiculously noisy gang of grand kids.

Step-Paternal Grandfather was cool. He took me fishing and showed me what he used to stopper oil wells. We went walking together on the cactus-filled flatlands and did not say a word but enjoyed each other's company.

grandparents analysis

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