Bad News from the Rheumatologist

Aug 30, 2019 07:37

Saw the rheumatologist yesterday. Before I got to see her, her new assistant came in to do blood pressure (excellent!) and blood work. Then she asked me if I wanted a bone density scan. I said sure, because I have not had one for about a decade and I know I have bad osteoporosis. The new guy did the scan and I made him laugh a lot with my jokes. He looked at the results, looked at me and I said, that bad? He said my dr would discuss it but I said I already had osteo.

When my rheumatologist saw the results she pretty much had a cow and put a lot of it on herself for not keeping up with it. She says at ANY time I could fall and easily break a hip or my spine - that is how bad my bones are currently. We are talking serious Swiss cheese holes in my bones.

I am about to go on daily expensive injections at the same time each morning for two years to build back my bones and I have to EAT four servings of calcium-rich foods a DAY. No vitamins. I did not get the name of the injection. When I said we could not afford thousands of dollars for the treatment, she said she would work with me and was going to pick up the medication herself so I will probably be going in next week to learn how to do the injections, which are in a monthly syringe.

bone density fail, rheumatologist

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