Ohkay, you know what? Everybody else is doing this one (thank you,
zabira...), and, hey, it looks like a world of fun.
In no particular order, and with all my fandoms in mind...
1) Being personally described to Paul as 'a big fan of yours' by a third party. Also, finding out the meaning behind his email address. And that POSTER. Yes, the poster. And just... all of Passchendaele, and being able to geek out of three of my favourite things, all at once: War Films, WWI, and
2) Meeting
darthanne and geeking out with her over Enterprise. Whoo! That? Awesome.
3) One word:
4) Meeting all my Chibis one random fine day. I adore you all.
5) Waking up the other morning and realising that, just about everywhere I could possibly go, I know that I've got awesome people just a mouse click away.
Getting recced!7) Figuring out that I
could fill a niche in terms of references, while simultaneously discovering that I could study more easily by blogging about my chosen subjects.
8) Participating in dsss. I am insanely looking forward to this year.
9) Discovering that not only did
besanamo share my love of DW et al, but also that she has an LJ.
10) Everybody and everything, ever.