Nov 30, 2008 18:24
And now, we're going over the list of DVDs that I want, but have yet to buy. This will be added to and removed from on occasion. Right now though, I just want the list. Some of these, the family has, but I personally do not. Some might not be out yet.
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Jerry Maguire
Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok
Updated!Return of the Jedi (the one with Hayden in the ending)
MacGyver: All seasons
Red Dwarf - my own copies, curse it all!
The Princess Bride
Star Trek - all of the films
The Lion King - I, II, I 1/2
Samurai X (Kenshin by any other name, for the curious)
StarGate - Atlantis, SG-1, all seasons, all movies (not actually that much per season here...)
Hard Core Logo
H2O/The Trojan Horse
Wilby Wonderful -- ordered
Men with Brooms -- ordered
FFVII: Advent Children
Boston Legal: All seasons
Monkey (that old 80s Japanese show about Journey to the West, which actually is cool, because the characters SLOWLY lose their animalistic appearances and tendencies, and become more human in appearance - or rather, closer to Buddha in appearance. Their physical appearances also reflect how loyal they've been to Tripitaka recently.)
The Bill
Doctor Who
Sarah Jane Adventures
Gundam Wing/Endless Waltz
Jeeves and Wooster
Doctor Horrible's Sing-along-Blog
Sean of the Dead
my dvd collection is taller than i am,
i love my lists