What A Bunch Of Jerks!!!

Mar 03, 2010 19:53

I'm pretty pissed off right now! I ranted to Amye hoping it would calm me down a bit, but if anything if just kinda added wood to the fire. It's a feeling of ANGER that in some people's eyes would be a little over the top. However for people who know me (or knew me) would know when I love something I'm over the top. The subject of my love this time is "Repo! The Genetic Opera" , A movie that has replaced Rocky Horror as my 2nd fav moive (first being Labyrinth and third being a tie with Nightmare before xmas and beauty and the Beast).

The reason for this anger is all because one movie. for the last week every so often I've been seeing adds for a new movie called "Repo man". When I first saw it I assumed it was a remake of the 80's movie of the same name. however each time the commercial I paid more attention to. Last night was when I noticed the organs in the bags. As it turns out Repo man is more or less the same Idea as Repo!. And what makes it worse is that they are playing that their idea came out first (Repo man that is not Repo!( which DID come out first (1997))) which is just silly.

The problem is that even tho the idea behind the story may be freshish, is still just an idea. ( and for people who have not seen Repo! which if you love musicals/Operas and horror movies you should so get on to watching that) which is that in the near future Organs will be sold to people in need (or who just want it) however if you are unable to make payments, a repo man will come and take back the organ and leave you there to die. And even tho they ripped off the idea of this world, you can't sue for your idea being copied. and which sucks even more if you could, because of how small a film Repo! is... they wouldn't stand a chance in court  when it comes to fighting someone with more money.


I started this rant at 6 it's now 7:30 and I lost the fire by reading facebook stuff(and playing the Repo! soundtrack a couple times)...FOOK!!! I mean it was a great rant...but like I just lost it lol. Anyways my point was that I feel that Repo man really ripped off a great musical (however it's not for everyone) and I just wish that if you do watch Repo man please go out and watch Repo!. it's fine if you don't like it ... just let it be known that Repo man was not the first.  I would also like you to spread the word if you hear someone saying either Repo man was such a original idea (and inform the about Repo! the genetic Opera) OR if you hear someone claiming how Repo! ripped off  Repo man PLEASE PLEASE tell them they are wrong (nicely) and then tell them to do there homework. ( here are some links they can even look at :D http://www.terrancezdunich.com/blog/?p=2804%22http://www.terrancezdunich.com/blog/?p=3223)

okay I feel better now

truth, repo! the genetic opera, rant, movies

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