Rugby player suffers stroke wakes up as gay hairdresser The tone of this article pisses me off. Who is ANYONE to say that such a thing isn't possible? It's like saying that homosexuality can never be a choice, which is utter bullshit because homosexuality CAN be, and often is, a choice for some people. To claim otherwise is just ignorant.
But back to the article. It is often said that attraction comes from chemicals in the brain. THEREFORE, it is entirely possible that the stroke caused a change in those chemicals, making Chris Birch wake up as a gay man. And if, IF, such a thing isn't possible and he has always been gay and is just now coming to terms with it: more power to him, but it is my wish that he find the truth one day.
Point being: it is no one's place to dictate someone else's reasons for being the way they are. We are not here to dictate the life of others. We are here to live, laugh, love, and support others in the best ways that we can.