I was reading
fanficrants because it beat lying awake, and I found an interesting exchange in the comments to
this post:
la_chica_08: It's like the authors I come across every once in a while that try to argue that Willow is really bi...you know, cause of Oz and Xander...and while I can understand thinking that bisexuality is getting the brush off in this case, it just rubs me the wrong way when we've heard her identify multiple times as gay.
moljn: I see it differently when we're talking fictional characters. We can't disrespect Willow's own definition, because it's not actually her definition but the writers'. Fic-wise, it might be OOC to write her identifying as bi, but discussion-wise, it's a valid subject.
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http://kit-r-writing.dreamwidth.org/496475.html. Please comment there using OpenID.