Lying awake, I finally figured out what's been hanging me up on Nazombies. Esther's going to come out of a
Heroic BSOD. (Warning: link goes to TV Tropes!) She's going to have to deal with rage, grief, despair.
And I'm afraid that if I take her there right now, I'll get stuck there.
While my moods have been fairly stable lately, I can't escape the fear that I'm walking on ice; it feels solid, but I know that there's freezing water just under the surface. And I'm under a lot of stress; I haven't heard back from the job that I was really hoping for, my latest unemployment claim form was for one week only, my family is making me nuts.
Figuring out what's wrong isn't a solution, but it's the first step to one. At least I'll be asking the right questions, now.
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