Apr 14, 2004 01:36
woot. woot, my friends :) Wow, man is life confusing lately. Things are going well for me... I found out today I am moving into my new place saturday HAPPY TIMES FOR ME!!! This has been a long time coming, and fills me with excitement, but much anxiety over my future. The realization that I am getting closer to being a grown up terrifies me. I still ask people what they want to do when they grow up...and that seems to encapsulate my feelings on the subject. I am a man-boy that seeks to keep that inner-child free and running about-naked. It seems to be in society, one must find the balance between "cute and playful" children's qualities in adult life, and "sad and creepy." I admit that I am an avid lego addict, but I try to draw the line when it comes to going to conventions and talking about it in forums and open mic seminars. Case in point- SAD AND CREEPY.
In other news, the hope of someone continues. My dating pattern as of late, has brought me to the conclusion that I have come down with the near-deadly "Let's just be friends" syndrome. Upon further reflection of my recent dating history, I seem to be everyone's metaphorical big sister. I am really hoping that my current situation doesn't pan out in that direction. It is obvious by last night's entry, that something or SOMEONE has got me thinking about it... that's all I am going to say at this point. :-D
So, in the meantime,
GOOD NIGHT and remember, the doctor says it will stop bleeding if you just keep your finger out of there.