(no subject)

Mar 29, 2006 17:44

Dear Livejournal,
I would like to adress the fact that all of your members seem to be authors, musicians, artists, or photographers. It makes me chuckle, as most of the people in your embrace are very far from what they claim. The ones who claim they are authors/writers only say that because they have grasped a basic concept of grammar. I am sorry this does not make you any sort of thing. Being an author, has very little to do with grammar skills. It has everything to do with creativity.

Then again creativity is what drives every art. Like with photography, just having a good camera is not what makes you a photographer. Like this myspace generation seems to think. Its about the creativity of the shot. Which all of you lack, you are not good at your art. People may say "Wow this picture is amazing." ,but they have no idea what they are talking about. All they see is an image that had turned out nice. However, it is not creative. It symbolizes nothing, which is what the myspace generation seems to miss. Just because its a picture that turned out nice, that is of some grass, a fence post, or the chain on a child's swing. That is not creative, you just took a picture of something in your yard. So please stop calling yourself an "aspiring photographer" for you lack the dedication, the knowledge, and the creativity to be such.

Musicians, oh musicians. This is the only other art in this rant that requires a base talent. Learning the craft, and then practicing the craft for countless hours. That is why I respect anyone and everyone who does these things. However, the ones I have a problem with. Are those who get an ego because they have acheived this. I am sick of seeing bands that are horrible, but are completely full of themselves because idiots of the myspace generation have told them that "OMGZ U GUYS R SO GREAAT!!!!!!11" when they do not know good music. They barely even enjoy the music they listen to, they listen to it because it is popular. So what makes their opinion matter on if you are a good band or not. It doesn't make any difference, they like your music because they like your face. Nothing more, so hate those "Fashioncore" bands as much as you want people like your music for exactly the same reason. So in essence you are fashion-core.

Creativity, talent, natural ability, and knowledge is what makes an artist. This is one of my arts, and my most passionate art. So, it upsets me when I see those who boast about their art when it is not that good. Appear all over. Why do they think they are so great? It may be that their ego's are already inflated. Perhaps, it could be because they took a lot of art classes. Which puts them in the category of a high school art student. However, it does not make your art any better. All the classes in the world can not make an artist better. Art has to do with perception, and potrayal. You are born with art, or you are not born with art. If you are not born with art, then all of those high school classes will not make your art any better. If you are born with art, you do not need those classes. Those classes will ruin your art so please stop taking them. I have never once, been in an art class. My art has turned out completely fine, everything I have learned I have learned to do by watching others, or examining art. Not from a failed artist, that is now my teacher.

This rant will make no difference to the myspace generation they will continue to think that they are these things when they are not. It does not matter to them, as long as it makes them look cultured. So they can appear less hallow than they really are.
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