A sordid spot, a monster takeover, living in shame's gonna haunt your sleep

Jul 03, 2011 23:37

Lily hasn't spoken much with Alice since the last issue of The Quibbler was released. To be fair, she's been actively avoiding Alice since the last issue of The Quibbler because she doesn't know what the hell to say to the woman. She considers Alice a friend, a fellow Order member who was just as frustrated by the physical restraints that pregnancy brought to fighting the good fight as she was, and at the same time as well. But lately stark differences between the two women's approach to justice were becoming clearer than they ever were, and Lily is certain that she can never look at Alice the same way again if the allegations in Xeno's article are true.

It would be rather difficult to avoid speaking to Alice at the moment, however, because she is sitting on Alice's couch, in Alice's home, and is watching Alice's son-Neville-playing with Harry. Perhaps playing isn't the right word to use, as playing implies mutual interaction. Neville mostly keeps to himself with a pile of building blocks while Harry presses his plush toy into Neville's shoulder, wanting attention.*

Neville seems to enjoy his blocks.

lily potter, alice longbottom

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