But then if you're so smart, tell me why are you still so afraid?

Jul 02, 2011 12:23

*Rook House has been a popular haunt for Order members over the last weeks, and so Remus is unsurprised to find it heavily warded when he arrives. He waits patiently for Xeno to appear (there must be some kind of doorbell/alarm mechanism, with a ward this advanced), hands in his pockets, examining the spellwork with mild curiosity.

He's fairly confident that he'll get across where his colleagues have failed. He heard what happened with Sirius and Moody and Frank, but the difference is that he's not a Ministry employee trying to get through to a raging anti-establishment activist. Xeno responds better to the fringe. And Remus, he's well aware, more or less is the fringe.

And anyway, he is legitimately concerned for Xeno. He's rather fond of him, and if he keeps up the way he's going lately, he's going to get himself killed the same way Rita Skeeter did. So if they can work out an understanding here, all the better for everyone.*

remus lupin, xenophilius lovegood

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