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Nov 08, 2004 19:47

i had dance today!! finally! but i couldnt do gran battement cuz it still hurts and my leg dont go so high nemore which sucks! thats why u should never do the splits in heels...guess i learned my lesson, though. heh, well im a dumbass like that. i feel really bad for sarah, her grandparents died one right after the other friday and then saturday. all i can do is pray for her i guess. im pretty frustrated at the moment cuz i just wanna go to college and have freedom. im sick of being treated like an 8th grader...it really blows. i seroiusly cant imagine what thats like. i know if my grandparents died right after one another like that i'd be..crazy. theyre like my fave ppl in the world. and htat would mean no more maine too...well i just found out i mscrewed cuz i dint realize that today was the 8th and we have a section of q's due in history and i dont have the book here to do it! well i guess im just...brilliant like that. i hope he gives us another day to do it or something cuz i bet i aint the only one. no school today that was cool. i dint get much done. but i did find a dollar on the gruond at walmart woo hoo! oh well. i edited my essay that kleber tore apart, cuz hes cool like that *tear* i liked my first one! oh well. BLAH that sums up how im feeling.
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