Thought Log, Away!

Jun 08, 2007 13:27

Friday 6/8


I need to call the school. They're having a tour on Sunday, and I'd like to see the Graphic Arts and Design presentation. I've wanted to design web pages for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time, and it would teach me how to make them kick ass. Plus, it would be good for me.

Jeremy made dinner reservations...somewhere...for tonight. It's to celebrate finishing and sending the whoooole of Gryphon's Overture. Right now, I'm tired and don't want to go...

I wish Harlequin would hurry up and send me a reply to my partial! I wouldn't mind so much if it was a rejection; I just want to know what's up. Since it's been six months, I'd say it's about time. :P

I need to start writing again. We're already a week into June, and I've not written a jot!

All elements are in place to go exercise. Whew! I hate feeling fat and useless every moment of every day...and even if I can't fix the latter, it's more than time I fixed the former.
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