Journal Blahs

Jun 08, 2007 13:21

I need new stuff to journal about. My life is just not weird or exciting enough anymore to post every day. Or even every other day.

Yesterday, I got up at 3:30 (still trying to sleep off the dizziness, and it seemed to work so I'm not going to complain), played Final Fantasy XI for about half an hour and checked my email. Then Jeremy called to say he was done with class and to ask if I'd like to go to dinner with the guys. I got all excited, actually put makeup on (pretty rare occurance anymore, since I almost never leave the house), and curled my hair (which hasn't happened in months - there's no reason to, both because nobody's gonna see it and because the humidity kills it). He arrived home to inform me that, wait, everyone but James decided not to go out after he left. Now, this is highly impressive because we live literally five minutes from the school. James comes over all the time, and would rather spend his money on movies than food, so there really wasn't any reason to go buy good food anymore. I wasn't really all that hungry yet, but I really, really, really, REALLY wanted to get out of the house and chat with people. We ended going for a drive instead, ate at the Taco Bell by the old apartment (because the two now close to us are yucky), and saw Pirates 3 because I was in a foul mood and wanted Jack to cheer me up. And he did. :) We popped by Walmart on the way home to pick up a couple almost-dinner foods, and had a midnight meal. We played FFXI for half an hour or so, took showers, I watched a couple episodes of Stargate: Atlantis (which I got to replace DS9 because Colm Meaney is in three episodes...but it's a dandy replacement), and then went to bed.

And that is more than my day usually consists of.

Journal-able? Not really.

I don't see enough movies anymore to make this a movie crit journal. I already have a writing journal. A dream blog. So...what?

I'm thinking perhaps I should merge it with my writing journal, simply because nobody (with one exception) reads this anymore. My friends never post here. It's kinda just taking up space. Just about the only thing that ends up here are my rants, and that just makes me sound angry all the time. ;)

I know! I'll make it a thought log. Maybe if I jot down the things bothering me or taking up too much space in my brain, they'll resolve themselves faster. Yeah. Next post!
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