Mar 09, 2009 13:24
I had a dream that I was running away from someone and ended up in an art museum in the city instead of the little country-looking building I was in
I had to dash through a field, hide in the tall grass, and then climb over a fence and onto a train that passed me
That train took me to the city and I ended up in an art museum with really trippy M.C.Escher type art works
Then the dream got really trippy
The person that I was running from caught up to me somehow
And I ventured deeper into the gallery
Somehow they had turned the museum INTO the art piece
Stairs led to upside down places, rooms openned up into other corridors, and everything was trippy as hell
It was great and colorful and so realistic even though it couldn't possibly happen
I love dreams like that
It ended with a great painter-like movie where everything morphed into other things and everyone applauded
I was never captured, or if I was the person was nice and I found I didn't need to run
I don't remember which all that matters is it was a happy ending ^-^