(no subject)

Oct 19, 2007 02:44

Whatever happened to the guys that opened doors?
Whatever happended to the guys who would send flowers just because?
Whatever happend to the guys who called their girlfriend to say I love you for no reason?
Whatever happened to the guys who would go get their girlfriend in the middle of the night because she ran out of gas?
Whatever happend to the guys who would take care of someone who they cared about who was sick?
Whatever happened to the guys that would fight for their girlfriends honor?

I'll tell you what happend to us....
we got tired of being treated like crap, being cheated on, lied to, and told we aren't good enough or romantic enough. So we just died off because everyone says that they want guys like us, but in reality they go for the assholes who treat them like shit. So nice guys finish last.

If you are a woman and believe nice guys still exist and wish you had one repost this as "Nice guy wanted"

If you are a guy and any of this has happened to you repost this saying "Nice Guys Finish Last "
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