Belong to You - Gazette - 4/??

Jan 29, 2009 00:55

Starring: Reita x Ruki
Warning: written in indonesian, mxm kissing
Chap: 4/??
genre: drama, romance
rating: PG-13 for now


Cerita dibawah ini meminjam karakter dan jati diri personel band The GazettE. I’m not them, I do not own them either, and I don’t have any relationship with them. The story below just from my head and pure fiction. Tidak merusak lingkungan dan dijamin just for fun.



Sayangku, maaf…

Aku memang tidak berguna. Menghadapi dunia yang kejam memang bukan keahlianku dan kini aku harus membuatmu merasakannya. Aku memang betul-betul sampah, mencampakkanmu setalah aku dicampakkan. Manusia macam apa aku ini? Tapi lebih baik kau tidak mengenalku, Sayang. Lebih baik kau tidak menaruhku di dalam memorimu yang bersih itu. Kuharap kita tidak perlu bertemu lagi…. Karena kau terlalu berharga, dan aku tidak mungkin mempunyai muka lagi untuk menemuimu. Sekali lagi maaf…

Sayangku, maaf…


Ruki berdiri dari lantai dan berjalan ke arah baju seragam kerjanya yang tergeletak di samping pintu kamar mandi. Reita menyimpan alat-alat lukisnya di lemari tembok karena sesi melukis untuk hari itu sudah selesai. Sudah saatnya makan siang, maka Ruki permisi keluar.

“Tunggu…” cegah Reita. Ruki berhenti dan berbalik.


“Well, I want to finish this as soon as possible. Err… would you pose for me again after lunch?” tanya Reita. Ruki mengernyit.

“Kau pikir tidak capek apa, meringkuk begitu berjam-jam! Seluruh tubuhku pegal-pegal dan aku juga harus menyelesaikan pekerjaanku.” Jawabnya kesal. Reita meringis,

“Please…?” he begged.

Always! Why he always put that face for me?! Stupid jerk!

“Huff, okay okay! I need to eat now.” Lalu Ruki melesat pergi, meninggalkan Reita yang tersenyum simpul.

I want to see all of you… as long as I can, but how…?


“Eh? Melanjutkan melukis? Jadi kapan kau akan melakukan pekerjaanmu?” protes Kai. Ruki mengangkat bahu.

“Kurasa itu pekerjaanku juga sekarang. Dia menggajiku.”

“Apa kau tidak takut masuk angin?”

Pikiran Ruki langsung mengacu pada betapa nyamannya berada di dalam pelukan Reita.

“Tidak.” Jawabnya, pipinya memanas. Tapi Kai terlalu sibuk kasak-kusuk sehingga ia tidak menyadari bahwa Ruki baru saja merona. Ruki berusaha konsenterasi ke makanannya, bekal yang dibawanya dari rumah-masakan sederhana yang dibuatnya sendiri. Tapi tidak bisa, pikirannya terus melayang ke ruangan Reita. Akhirnya ia menarik nafas dan merasa bersalah pada makanannya. Ia menyorongkan kotak bekal yang masih penuh itu ke arah Kai yang masih terus menggerutu.

“Eh?” Kai kaget karena tiba-tiba disodori makanan.

“Buatmu, aku tidak lapar.”

“Lho? Tidak bisa begitu, kau harus makan.” Tolak Kai.

“Kalau tidak mau, ya sudah! Bisa kuberikan pada orang lain…”

“Eh eh… oke, oke… aku makan.” Cegah Kai dan mengambil kotak makan itu dari tangan Ruki. Ruki menarik nafas dan mengembalikan pikirannya ke ruangan Reita lagi.


Reita sedang mengamati lukisan yang baru setengah jadi itu ketika pintu ruang kerjanya diketuk. Ia tersenyum dan berjalan ke pintu, membukanya.

“Aku senang kau datang.” Ujarnya. Ruki mendengus dan masuk ke ruangan itu.

“Kau selalu senang.” Gumam Ruki. Then suddenly Reita wrapped his arms around Ruki’s waist, causes the petite man jumped in surprise. Reita burying his face into Ruki’s neck, suggling and inhaling Ruki’s sweet scent. Ruki tidak bisa menemukan satupun di dalam dirinya yang mau menolak perlakuan itu, hanya bibirnya yang mampu bicara.

“What are you doing?”

“Mmm…” the only reply. Ruki closed his eyes. Surely, he like the feeling in Reita’s arms, he feel the secure around it and the kindness that radiating from that strong body.

“Why are you doing this?” again, Ruki’s lips ask a question.

“I want to…” Reita’s voice muffled while he started to kiss Ruki’s neck. The sensation is unbearable, Ruki feel his body shiver uncontrollably.

“Rei…” there it comes the soft moan.

“Say that again…” Reita love that sweet sound, he nip Ruki’s earlobe as his arms locked so tightly around Ruki’s slim waist. And his mouth found the soft flesh inside Ruki’s collar and suck it lightly.

“Ah~n… Rei…” oh how Reita love to hear that again and again…. He turned Ruki’s body around and locked that pale plump lips with his. Ruki’s breath hitch and Reita could feel the hair on Ruki’s body all stand up in wary. Reita tighten his grip around that body as Ruki’s arms find their way to his neck, pulling him closer. His heart beat mixed so beautifully with his nervouse breath. The kiss become so deep and Ruki had to hold himself to not faint cause the sudden dizzy make his head all spinning.

This kiss make him crazy.

Reita broke the kiss slowly for Ruki to let out a small whimper. He chuckle and brushed his lips against Ruki’s.

“Eager?” he whisper.

“That was so… amazing…” Ruki took a long deep breath as he hold himself together. That kiss was so mind blowing. Reita smiled,

“You like that?” he caress Ruki’s cheek lovingly.


“Do you want more?”

Ruki bite his own lips, “I do…”

“Tell me you want more.”

“I want more…” Ruki could feel his heart beating so abnormally fast as he saw Reita smirk and a devious glints in those dark eyes.

“Then take it.”

Ruki pulled Reita’s neck and kiss him senselessly. How could a single kiss make him lost his mind was the hard crosswords puzzle for him to answer. Right now he couldn’t think properly, all he want now is Reita. Reita and only Reita.

He have to let out another whimper when his lungs screamed for air. He pull back and shivers some more when Reita run his lips down to his jugular, nibling at his warm flesh and he found himself want it more than touch.

Reita stop what he’s been doing when he heard that whining sound, he stare into Ruki’s eyes and immediately found the the answer.

Ruki want him. So bad.

“Come on, I’ll give you what you want…” then Reita lead Ruki to the huge sofa in that room. Ruki bite his own lips, curious and have no idea.

== to be continue

the gazette, reita, kai, fanfic, ruki

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