Well, technically day 2, but whatever.
I've been sick for a little over a week now. The typical running nose, congestion, cough, puny feeling that I used to get every year. Though it all though, I smoked. I might only take a drag and then put it out, but I held firm. No more.
I'm tired of the coughing. I hate it when my sister complains when
acorn_destroys has been off with me and comes back smelling like smoke. I hate feeling awkward holding a baby because of the smoke smell on my clothes. Last night something snapped. I was driving home from work and smoking. I had taken about 3 drags when I started coughing. Tossing the cigarette out the window I decided I was done.
On 10/22/08 at 10:10pm I smoked my last cigarette. It's the end of an era, I know, but I think we can all agree this is a good change.
I gave my mom my pack of smokes and lighter last night. I didn't tell her I have 8 packs of Camels in the car and 4 more lighters. What's the point in being "Iron Will Bitch" if there's not something to say NO to? I have the means at my disposal to smoke right now. I choose not to do so.