
Dec 13, 2010 13:44

After the disaster with the sugar gliders in Feliciano's work room, Ludwig had spent a number of days pushing back deadlines and working overtime to make up for it. Because the shoot was delayed for a few days, he had half the time to organize and have them made ready for printing. The publishers hadn't been pleased, but only going home long enough to shower and sleeping at his desk in the office, he'd managed to pull through.

Sighing for the hundredth time in the last few days, he ran a hand tiredly through his already disheveled hair, and rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hands. But he was finally finished. Everything had worked out.

Not bothering to pack up his briefcase, Ludwig pulled his coat off the hanger by the door on his way out. As he passed his secretary's desk, he left a note informing her that the last few documents were ready and sitting on the desktop of his computer and that he would be taking the next two days off. He also asked that flowers be given to the production staff for all their hard work in the last week.

With that, he left the building, pulling his car keys out of his pocket and heading for his car. Already he was looking forward to getting home. First, he would sleep. Then maybe later he would take the dogs to the park...

[ooc: In other words, I think school is done murdering me in the face now, so I sincerely apologize to those who were waiting for me to reply to threads. I'll be getting on those right way. D: ]

neeeed sleeeeeep, thank god that's over, recovery time, long day is long

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