(no subject)

Jul 11, 2007 18:36

This is almost literally the first moment I've had to just sit, catch my breath, and update this thing since getting to Japan.

I haven't done anything terribly noteworthy so far; yesterday I accidentally slaughtered a poor, defenseless sea creature, but that seems to be par for the course in this country (and it was invertebrate, anyway), so I'm not sweating it overmuch.

I have been sweating other things... Err... Just sweating, really. Lucky me, I've arrived in the middle of Japan's rainy season, so if the sky isn't actually hurling water at me, it feels like it might as well be doing so (insane amount of humidity? Check).

Two nights ago, I went to a friend's karate practice, and let me tell you, the number of amazingly adorable Japanese children there nearly blew my mind. Teeny tiny children with rosy skin and little, eensy-weensy gi. And some of these teeny tiny children were black belts, so watching them was doubly amazing. If I could have taken a picture... or a dozen pictures... I would have. On the whole, though, I think I prefer Judo to Karate. Karate has a lot more yelling, it seems, than Judo does, and Judo is somehow more, well, primal. Not to say that I'm primative, certainly, but as pretty as the Karate kata are to watch, for myself, I'd rather grab someone by the collar and hurl them over my shoulder. It's a bit more viscerally satisfying.

Today was a landmark moment for me: I came to a city to which I've never been before, without any idea as to where I'd be sleeping tonight, and within ten minutes of arriving, I was checked into a hotel and on my way up to my room. Since I've never done a trip start-to-finish by myself before, that was a first, and I'm kind of proud of myself for that one.

Now it's 6:45 in the evening, I've eaten dinner, walked around the city (Hamamatsu, in case anyone was curious) a bit, and I'm in my pajamas and preparing to watch Last of the Mohicans. I'll be in bed... Well, not soon, but by 10, certainly (still a bit jet-lagged). For the moment, life is calm. For the moment only.

By the by, Kufi, I'm almost certain that 1.21 gigawatts would be 一点に十一ギガワット (pronounced "ichi ten ni juu ichi gigawatto"). Do I get those awesomeness points now?
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